Mike Walsh

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People Divulge The Types Of People That Annoy Them The Most
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Inevitably, not everybody in the world is going to like each other. People are so specific and cut from such specific molds, that it's far too easy to run across someone who makes you absolutely crazy.

Traits grind on each other, get under each other's skin, and in general make life quite a bit more difficult than if everyone could just swallow their pride to get along. Sadly, that's not the case on planet Earth.

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People Confess The Darkest Secret They're Keeping
Michael Fenton on Unsplash

There are so many secrets a single person harbors throughout their lives.

There are secrets they tell some others, secrets they tell only the closest to them; secrets they tell no one, and then secrets they don't even tell themselves.

Occasionally one of those secrets slips out. And that secret has the power to change the space in which you live your life.

It can bring others closer or isolate them even further. It can do serious damage or be a healing agent.

It all depends on the secret.

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People Describe The Most Famous Person In Their Family
Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Are you related to anybody famous? Where do they stand in your family?

The reality is, we are all probably related in some way or another to some famous figure at some point in history—the size of the human population was a lot smaller back then.

But how about now?

Does anybody whose name crosses the news on a regular or semi-regular basis come to your holiday table?

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People Describe The Most Unforgettable Odor They've Ever Smelled
Ruslan Zh on Unsplash

Much of human history must have been an olfactory challenge. For one thing, people are smelly, and the commonality of bathing before the 20th century in some cultures was questionable.

For another, there are recorded periods of history that are full of things like open trenches where people would flush their waste.

These things are mercifully no longer a part of our daily lives.

But that doesn't mean bad smells have been eradicated. Much to the contrary, because of how uncommon they are, we notice them even more.

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People Break Down The Things They're Waiting To Do Until They're Older
Matthew Bennett on Unsplash

Some people love to ascribe time limits to when they can and can't do things.

There are sayings out there such as "LA is for your 30s," or "I could only do that in my 20s," or "I feel like I'm in my 80s," when you are doing something like eating peanuts and watching Designing Women.

The truth is, we can do these things whenever. Though it's fun to ascribe ourself these limitations, they aren't necessarily accurate. but sometimes, people make the choice to leave things for later.

With life both being "no day but today" and an incomprehensible stretch of time among us, it's natural to reserve some things for later.

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