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Cautious People Admit The Things That Make Them Immediately Lose Trust

Cautious People Admit The Things That Make Them Immediately Lose Trust

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Trust issues define a generation.

Millenials have incredible trust issues. Study after study has shown that our generation trusts nothing that is thrown at them. Part of the reasoning for that may be because we so easily pick up cues from other people. So Redditor pmmecoolpianopics, looking more into our trust issues, asked the internet:

What's your "I don't trust people who ______"?

Here are some of the most trustworthy answers.

Spousal Denial

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Badmouth their spouses. Anybody who has so little respect for their own life partners makes me wonder if can they respect anybody or anything.

The Scorpio Queen

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Use their astrology sign as an excuse for s***** behavior or poor personality traits. "I'm just a Scorpio. Don't argue with me when I think I'm right." No, Jenny, you're just a b-tch. Work on it.

Beggars Being Choosers

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People that don't pay back money they owe you. Hey sometimes they forget a few $ and that's understandable but if it happens more than twice regardless of the amount, I suddenly "have no cash on me". Ever.

Cell Phones A Plenty

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Have more than 2 phones on them. 0 phones is ok, not everyone needs a cellphone. 1 is regular, a lot of people have a phone. 2 ok so you got a personal phone and a work phone. No problem. 3, they are up to something. Wether it be drugs or cheating.


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Talk way too much about how awesome they are

Use Your Pronouns

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I don't trust people who insist on using my name in every sentence, I get the feeling they want to manipulate me or sell me something. It's the kind of shit I bet they learn in Salesman 101 to get suckers to trust them

Showing Off

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those people who only bother you to get information out of you, or only pop up in your life when it is convenient for them. also, drug addicts who are too far gone because they are extremely manipulative and will say anything to get you on their side but all they want to do is drag you down with them because drugs matter the most to them.


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People who never commit to plans, but make sure they're holding that door open still. They're almost always opportunists who are just waiting for something better to come along. But just in case my plans are better they don't want to say no. They're almost always going to stand you up, or cancel last minute at some point.

So It's YOUR Fault!

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ALWAYS have a reason why something wasn't their fault.

Bad Cop

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get defensive when questioned.


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I don't trust people who see the world in absolutes.


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People with razor wire thin chin strap facial hair. Just why?

Carmen San Diego

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Wear a long trenchcoat with the collar up & big sunglasses.

As God Is My Witness

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people who take great pains to tell you how honest they are

Global Responsibility

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Make a mess for the janitor to clean up because "I'm giving them a job"


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People who say, "Don't tell anyone but..." or, "I'm not supposed to say this to anyone but..." or some version of not being able to keep to themselves what was disclosed to them in confidence. It immediately tells me nothing I tell them is safe.

On The Way Down

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Smile too much and call me darling, experience has showed me that people are always treating me as a child when they do that, and I can expect the same respect they give to a child

Which is "I will respect you untill you dare to argue back"


[rebelmouse-image 18346911 is_animated_gif= dam=1 expand=1]

i don't trust people who just throw their s*** on the floor when they're done with it like what the f-ck tim just put it in a fucking bin like 10 feet away or fucking put it your nasty cargo shorts pockets like what the frickin heck dude


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I don't trust people who have a story for everything. They're usually always lying to get you to like them.

My Name Is Elder Price

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Who wear short sleeved shirts and a tie.


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I don't trust people who wear those eyeglasses with the fake nose and moustache. They're usually very sketchy but, alas, not always.

Alpaca Your Bags

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People who chew with their mouth open. Not only is it bad manners but it's downright disrespectful to the ears. I immediately think they're a sh-t human being or an alpaca and I'll be damned if I ever trust an alpaca again.