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People Break Down How They Knew They Wouldn't Like Someone In Less Than A Minute
Photo by Dorrell Tibbs on Unsplash

Jane Austen famously taught readers not to judge others based on first impressions in her classic novel Pride and Prejudice.

As someone who may instantly turn you off when first meeting them could prove to be the love of your life.

That doesn't mean, however, that first impressions are always inaccurate.

Sometimes, we'll meet people who don't seem like the sort of person we would normally think we're going to be friends with but are willing to give them a second or third chance.

Only to discover that our suspicions were accurate, unfortunately.

Then, there are the times when it is loud and clear after one conversation that friendships with certain individuals are never going to pan out.

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People Explain What Instantly Makes Them Dislike Someone
gabrielle_cc from Pixabay

When we first meet someone–whether through mutual friends, at school, or in a new work setting–we generally feel people out to determine if they're worth getting to know.

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Humans are social creatures. We need to be able to interact with each other.

For the most part, people are pleasant. However, there are some people that display simply appalling behavior. These behaviors aren't attached to one specific group, but it seems one curious Redditor wanted to know what behaviors men display that is distasteful to other men.

He asked:

"Men of Reddit, what do you dislike about other men?"

And the men of Reddit delivered!

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Hate is never a good thing.

But everyone once and a while we can't help ourselves.

There are just some things in life that deserve no love.

We don't want to hate because it's unhealthy for us personally to carry it around.

But giving it to something worthy can be freeing.

Like airplane ticket fees. Okay, I'm angry now.

Redditor IssaHunna wanted everyone to discuss all the things being shown justifiable rage. They asked:

"What’s gets a lot of hate, but deserves every bit of it?"
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Why do we do it? Why do we lie?

If you don't like someone don't say... "I'll call ya."

Everyone thinks that if it's just a little white lie, it's ok.

But lies add up.

It's so much easier, for all of us.

Lying is exhausting. Who can keep track?

Redditor Informal-Amphibian-4 wanted to spit out some actual truths. So they asked:

"What is always or usually a lie when people say it?"
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