urban legends

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People Share The Creepiest Urban Legends From Their Hometowns
Image by Brigitte make custom works from your photos, thanks a lot from Pixabay

Local urban legends stem from a variety of sources.

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People From Small Towns Divulge The Crazy Local Story Every Knows About But Doesn't Talk About

Every town, big and small has it's secrets and it's wild tales and cast of characters. All of those pieces of the puzzle combine to make legends and stories passed on through generations. Although they are only tales told in secret and never brought up in proper public. No one wants to discuss what could be when the mystery is still not resolved.

Redditor u/PMForDickGraysonPics wanted to hear stories from everyone about the kooky details in small towns out there by asking them to divulge.... People who live in small towns, what's the story everyone knows but no one likes talking about?

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People Share The Scariest Thing To Happen In Their Hometown
Stevica Mrdja / EyeEm / GettyImages

It seems like just about every town, no matter how big or small, has that one story. For a lot of people that story can be brushed off as a local urban legend - but not for the people in this article.

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People Reveal Bizarre Local Legends That Everyone In Their Town Believes

Urban legends rarely make a whole lot of sense. They are usually just reasonable enough to get people talking about them, though, and that's how they spread.

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All rumors and grand tales spark from some form of truth, at least that is what we're led to believe, and that is the most frightening idea of all. Scary rumors, such as urban legends seep into our minds and lay dormant until the noise in the dark or that shadow lurking behind us is too close. Who hasn't found themselves playing certain moments just a little safer when you think you can avoid conjuring the dark? That's why I never played 'Bloody Mary'... just in case. Y'all should follow suit.

Redditor u/knockerball wanted everyone to huddle up and share some scary tales by asking.... What is the creepiest or scariest folklore story you have heard and what from culture/region did it originate?

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