small towns

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Every town has a secret.

Secrets, lies, and darkness run rampant everywhere... if you look closely enough.

The only thing worse than the secret is the cover-up.

The way people scramble to hide facts and keep truths hidden is masterful and scary.

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People are killed every single day. Some are murdered in horrific fashion, feeding the insatiable appetites of true crime fanatics but traumatizing the victim's surviving family members.

Many murders happen in cities of course but others happen in small towns, which many people consider idyllic safe havens from urban crime. Of course, you or your loved ones can be the victim of a crime at any time. A sad and scary fact.

People shared some info with us after Redditor RookTheBlindSnake asked the online community,

"What's your small town murder story?"
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People From Small Towns Divulge Their Biggest Current Local Scandals

There is anonymity in privacy, which is why I'm a big fan of living in a large city (and am perfectly okay with it remaining that way). It's easy to keep people out of your business when you're surrounded by millions of other people.

That's not true in small towns, where even the most innocuous personal drama can be distorted. So when scandals happen (and trust that they do) they tend to captivate the local imagination in ways not seen in big cities.

People told us all about the latest drama in their neck of the woods after Redditor Pessimistic_Soviet asked the online community,

"Those of you who live in small towns, what is the current local controversy all about?"
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People From Small Towns Divulge The Crazy Local Story Every Knows About But Doesn't Talk About

Every town, big and small has it's secrets and it's wild tales and cast of characters. All of those pieces of the puzzle combine to make legends and stories passed on through generations. Although they are only tales told in secret and never brought up in proper public. No one wants to discuss what could be when the mystery is still not resolved.

Redditor u/PMForDickGraysonPics wanted to hear stories from everyone about the kooky details in small towns out there by asking them to divulge.... People who live in small towns, what's the story everyone knows but no one likes talking about?

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