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The Absolute Weirdest Compliments People Have Ever Received

Reddit user callmejari asked: 'What's the weirdest compliment you have received?'

woman in black pants and red tank top
Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

Giving compliments is pretty easy, although most of us don't do it often enough.

Accepting compliments can be much harder.

Too many of us immediately shift into disclaimers to explain why we don't deserve the praise.

But we just need to say thank you—even if the compliment is a little odd.

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Spilled ice cream
Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash

As humans, we are far from perfect, and sometimes, the mistakes we make are utterly hilarious, if not also embarrassing.

The worst part is how unexplainable some of our mistakes tend to be, especially when we're holding multiple items in our hands and manage to mix them up.

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There's little more embarrassing than being caught in an awkward situation.

These include telling an ill-timed joke which might be too true to be funny, passing gas in a moment of silence, or going in for a hug when all that was expected is a handshake.

The sheer humiliation of these experiences is enough to keep us up at night for days, weeks, and even months.

However, cold comfort it may be, these situations are not at all uncommon.

In fact, the above situations, and countless more, occur far more frequently than anyone might think.

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People Confess Which Things They Find Absolutely Cringeworthy
Ivan Aleksic/Unsplash

We've all displayed embarrassing behavior or actions at one point or another, and we can't seem to shake off the regretful moment.

It just replays in our minds like an endless boomerang.

We are equally embarrassed for those who may have done something spontaneously foolish and have no clue of the mortifying impact of their actions.

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People Divulge The Most Embarrassing Thing They've Ever Witnessed

For most of us, our deepest fear is to fall flat on our faces in front of a bunch of people. No one wants to look the fool, especially when it happens before a group of people you're going to see every day for the forseeable future.

Embarrassing moments can come out of nowhere, but how you handle yourself in the aftermath is what matters. Laugh it off, shake it off, go with the chuckles, and let the people know you can't be hurt by it.

Well, unless you're any of the people in the stories below. Then I'd consider getting a new address and name.

Reddit user, Konke420xd, wanted to know when the shame was too much to handle when they asked:

"What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever witnessed?"

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