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People Divulge Which Things Are A Total Turnoff When Meeting Someone New
Photo by John Bussell on Unsplash

Meeting someone new, even in the simplest of situations, is never easy.

Who doesn't want to be liked?

First impressions are everything.

So we need a list of all of the things that put people off instantly.

This way, we're all aware.

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It's nice to imagine that when the holidays come around, we'll be able to spend the day with the people we love, showing gratitude for everything we've received.

But sometimes bad news or bad moods still show up on the holidays, and we have to figure out how to still be grateful for what's waiting under the Christmas tree.

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People Divulge Which Family Traditions They Want To End With Them
Zach Reiner on Unsplash

When you're younger, you might think you come from a great family. But as a kid, you miss out on a lot of nuance. You do not see all the drama the adults around you are involved in. And when you do eventually notice it, you start to realize that maybe few—if any—of your family members actually like each other. So why put up with all those tense family holiday dinners?

This isn't to say that all families are like this. Absolutely not. There are some very happy and wonderful families out there. But seeing families hurt each other is enough to teach you that maybe that age old tradition of getting together for Christmas dinner might not be in everyone's best interest.

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I can't stand Adam Sandler films most of the time. They're a little juvenile for me to be honest, not that he hasn't made some comedies I enjoyed (The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates come to mind).

But Sandler can also turn in an excellent dramatic performance from time to time. Check out Punch-Drunk Love some time. He and Emily Watson have some startling chemistry. More recently, Uncut Gems demonstrated how Sandler can thrive in a film of an even darker nature.

He won significant acclaim for both and is a perfect example of an actor best known for comedies who showed that they also happen to be an excellent dramatic actor.

There are others, of course. We heard more about them after Redditor 40oz2_freedom asked the online community,

"Who is a good comedic actor that ended up being a great dramatic actor?"
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People Divulge The Most Disturbing Secrets They're Keeping From Their Loved Ones
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

*The following article contains discussion of suicide.

You know what the internet is really good at? Keeping secrets.

We super duper promise it's safe with us. No worries about it being screenshotted and shared around for randos to poke and prod at it.

No sir. Not at all...

Just in case, let's give these people the kudos they deserve for being brave enough to offer up their deepest, darkest secrets even their families don't know about.

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