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People Reveal Which Small Things Piss Them Off More Than Usual

People Reveal Which Small Things Piss Them Off More Than Usual

There are some things that are pretty much universally irritating: self important people, someone cutting you off in traffic, or those scam robocalls, for example.

Sometimes things that seem like they are only mildly irritating or inconvenient for others drive us up the wall, though.

Reddit user u/Jimmys_Rustled asked:.

"What small thing pisses you off more than usual?"


People who act like they're more important than everyone else when getting off a flight.

People who lose all common courtesy while traveling.



When your curtain leaves a tiny gap letting a ray of sunshine penetrate your eyeballs


It's always aimed directly at your pillow, too.



When I see some just leave their shopping cart in the lot when they are right next to the cart return



The fitted sheet coming off the mattress in the middle of the night. It's like an alarm clock that is going off right next to my ear. Impossible to ignore. I can't fall back to sleep unless I put the sheet back on.



People not letting people off the subway or out of elevators.


Getting off the subway I just keep walking through them while yelling "I have to get out before you get in! That's how this works!" And it usually helps



These new YouTube ads where it's two ads instead of one.



Getting home after being out all day, taking off my pants, shoes, etc. and then having to go back out for something stupid.


Once my wife takes her bra off for the day, it engages a 12 hour emotional lockdown where she wouldn't step outside for a herd of the worlds cutest puppies giving away gold bars.



People continuing to explain something to me after I've said "I know" at least thrice.



People asking questions and then not listening for the answer. I have a different job now because my last boss did this so often.

A lot of people with ADD have been responding and being kind of hard on themselves for knowing they do this. So I just want to say, I don't think that's the same thing. If you're making the effort and are not able to pay attention, that's fundamentally different from just choosing not to.



People who always try to 1 up your situation. Tell them you've got a cold and they'll respond "I've had pneumonia for 10 years!" or something.


Things People Will Never Order At A Restaurant

Reddit user DGex asked: 'Reddit. What will you never order at a restaurant?'

Be it an old familiar, or a new establishment that has been the talk of the town, restaurant diners are always faced with a challenge once they are handed a menu.

Do they stick with what they know, and order the burger and fries or spaghetti and meatballs, which are both difficult to screw up?

Or do they get a little adventurous, and try the restaurant's specialité, even if it's something they've never tried before in their lives?

Generally speaking, it tends to be on a case-by-case basis based on the restaurant they are dining in.

Of course, some people have such an aversion to certain ingredients or dishes, that no matter the location, they will never order it.

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