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Straight Men Confess How They'd React If A Gay Man Hit On Them

"Reddit user FregeanCoder asked: 'Straight men, how would you react if a man hit on you?'"

It can take a lot of courage to put yourself out there and let someone know you're interested.

As long as they're not creepy, aggressive, or crazy, it should be flattering, right?

If you're straight and a person of the same gender as you flirts with you, this should be easy to deal with.

In most cases, it took a lot more courage for them to ask than for you to hear.

The following question has been asked to many a straight guy over the years.

Let's see how the times and reactions have progressed.

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Women Describe The Best Flirting Techniques People Have Ever Tried On Them
Image by SergeDO from Pixabay

In this day and age it can be difficult to flirt. Let's just talk truth. Everyone is trying to navigate a new normal where we try to let someone know... "Hey! I think you're cute!" Without getting the cops called. It can be done. There is a misconception running around that women don't like to be flirted with. That is untrue. Flirting and being a creepy disaster are two different things. Here... let's discuss...

Redditor u/hungary70 wanted to hear from the ladies out there about when they've some cute come ons by asking... Girls of Reddit, what was the best flirting technique someone did to you?

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