Restaurant Workers Break Down The Worst Customer They've Ever Dealt With

Restaurant Workers Break Down The Worst Customer They've Ever Dealt With
Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay

Restaurant employees are the true MVPs of the world. It seems like they're dealt with the worst crap when it comes to dealing with customers- not to mention the fact that they have to rely on tips from some not-so-reliable people. Here are some of their stories, to remind you to show extra love to your food service friends.

u/ChipFan111 asked: People who worked in Restaurants, what was the worst customer that you had to deal with?

What an a-hole.

I worked at Domino's, I had a guy throw a hand full of pennies at me while laughing. The 30 odd cents was my tip, he was mad when I turned around and walked away without picking any of them up. His exact words were, "Oh, my money not good enough for you? Fine, I'll never order Domino's again!"

I've never had a customer fire themselves like that before, it was great.


Ew, wtf?


Barista here. Had a guy that regularly came in and ordered a complicated drink. He always finished the order by asking for a "finger swirl" in the drink. If you gave him a confused look he would say "well how else am I gonna taste you?". He was the worst.


He should have waterfalled it.

I used to work in a bar that sold very old booze.

A drunk man tried to impress his friends by chugging from a bottle of amaro from the early 60s.

He had to pay for the whole thing since his lips touched it and it was useless. Cost him around $800.


The audacity.

Worked in a popular restaurant for awhile. We usually have quite a long wait (30-40min waits) during dinner service and people are told by the hosts about this. There was this lady that got fed up with the wait after 10 mins.

She stormed into the restaurant, stood next to a table of 4 people and literally asked them "are you guys done? we've been waiting for a long time now and would like to have the table if you guys are just chatting...". Was completely mindblown how people are able to not give a f*ck and pull something like this in public.


How about you treat your bartenders with respect?


This guy threw a beer in my face when I stuck up for myself and told him to stop banging his fist on the bar and screaming 'YO!!' To get my attention


What is the point of hurting peoples' feelings?

Way back in the 80s I worked in a restaurant that was a favorite of a celebrity chef of those days, Jeff Smith (the Frugal Gourmet). Never seen a bigger a**hat than that guy. Literally make our servers cry. Nothing was ever right, he was beyond rude and condescending, yet he kept. coming. back.

He had a reputation of being a jerk off-camera. Eventually he was disgraced by being outed as a predator and was quickly forgotten by all.

Our restaurant was a good place. Another celebrity chef of the time, Graham Kerr (the Galloping Gourmet) was always a pleasure to have visit.


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What a couple of dbags.

After a wedding reception ended at our facility we were cleaning and I began the cleaning process on our espresso machine. The party was over almost a half hour already. The process takes 12 minutes. People were still there as the party slowly let out and the father of the bride asks me for an espresso. I told him I could get it to him (as we have a strict policy of always trying to satisfy a guests needs) but the machine was cleaning and it would be done in about 10 minutes.

He begins ranting about how much he paid for the wedding and stormed to our banquets manager and told them I refused to make it for him. Manager is a dbag and starts ripping me in front of the guy. I show both of them that the machine is just finishing the cleaning process and it was impossible to make it beforehand. I got suspended for 2 weeks.


At least he apologized.


Our bar was having a private party. A drunk dude walks in and orders a drink. I knew he wasn't with the party based on his attire and that he came in every so often. I told him I couldn't get him a drink. He lost his mind. Told me to f*ck off and then wanted to fight me. On his way out he yelled that we should put up signs, as he walked by the signs on the door saying we were closed for a private event.

He came in the next day sober and apologized.


Was it worth $20 and a new iPhone? Absolutely.

Bartending in a restaurant a few years ago. There was a private party and one of the guests asked me to plug in his iphone to listen to a song. No big deal..I did it and he tipped me $20. He left his phone behind the bar and got wasted. When he was leaving I said, "Sir, don't forget about your phone!" He threw a beer on me and told me to leave him the f*ck alone and told me get a real job. Guess who got to keep a nice new iPhone?


That's awkward.

A customer ordered one of our daily specials and didn't like it, so instead of complaining to me about the food and letting me offer something else, she complained to my manager about ME. This was May of last year. In August of last year, turns out she was one of my college professors for the semester, teaching A MANAGEMENT course. She recognized me the first day but I played it off like I didn't know her.


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