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The Worst Examples Of Corporate Rebranding Ever

Reddit user onlyahippowilldo asked: 'What's the dumbest corporate rebranding?'

group of people sitting beside rectangular wooden table with laptops on Unsplash

Companies often chase change when profits dip.

But if they aren't careful, they can destroy the very thing that appealed to consumers.

Anyone remember "new Coke"?

Intended to be a permanent replacement for their flagship product, it was branded New Coke by the public.

Backlash lead to "Classic Coke" being reintroduced to the marketplace.

The product was a reformulation introduced by The Coca-Cola Company in April 1985. It was renamed Coke II in 1990 then finally discontinued in July 2002.

It's now taught as a lesson in what not to do in business and marketing.

But Coca-Cola isn't the only one to stumble.

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Some of us are more comfortable with advertisements, commercials, and sponsored content that we see on television and social media, but we can all agree that there is some truly cringey content out there.

But there have been some completely side-eye-worthy blunders that have happened at the corporate level that earned a company or product more attention than their marketing ever could, cringey or not.

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aquamarine shoe is placed on top of sliced peaches
Irene Kredenets on Unsplash

Not everything is a good idea and not every invention should be placed on the market.

But you'll never know what can be a success without seeing if people like it.

It may sound like a billion dollar idea but in the end, you may take a loss.

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Someone using a credit card to make a payment
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Advertising can be shockingly persuasive.

Be it a television commercial, a radio jingle, or merely a flier on the subway, effective advertising and marketing can make consumers buy things they otherwise have little to no interest in.

Often to the annoyance of others, who grow increasingly frustrated that some products continue to sell when there are much better variations of the same thing available.

But even if these less well-known variants are superior in every way, their lack of a savvy marketing team results in their coming up short in sales.

With consumers having no idea that they are missing out on a much better option.

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