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People Share How They React To Someone Complimenting Them

It can be hard to take a compliment. For some, it's a matter of self-respect, where if we don't recognize our own positive traits then hearing the other person say something nice about us can come as a lie. On another side, some people just get awkward if they hear anything positive said in their direction. If the following entries are anything to go by, they get REAL awkward.

Reddit user, u/daPhucc, wanted to know what to do if someone says something nice when they asked:

How do you react to someone complimenting you?

Play Dumb


My friend went to london. When we met again in another friend's house we hugged and he said:

"Hey man, I missed you a lot."

"Haha, why?"

"Aw... I think you're so cool."


I looked down and put my hands together, I felt my cheeks getting hotter.

I said "What?" pretending I didn't understand, to hide my reaction.


Go With Their Flow

By agreeing with them.

Literally happened yesterday after I had shaved off a year old beard. A female coworker said to me "Hey I like your face!" My response "Hey! Me too!"


Just Let It Happen

Suspicion at first but then awkwardly accept it


Surely your awkward acceptance would depend on who was giving the compliment, yes?


I've always been insulted nearly my whole life and I know I'm not actually that pretty or have the best body. So, compliments from a man are extra suspicious and awkward but, if the intention is harmless then I still accept but, still I'm awkward person all around and a little reserved so it's still hard to accept compliments from anyone.


The White Board Seems A Little Excessive...

Usually say "aww thanks," then tell them they're wrong & back it up with evidence


Give As Good As You Get

Look at said thing they are complimenting. Say "oh, Thanks" awkwardly and then find something awkward to compliment about them back which then comes off as fake.

Mandatory awkward smile afterwards.


Have A Response Ready To Go

Extreme suspicion. Very very rarely do I get them, so if they do occur, I get concerned about ulterior motives. My instinctual reaction is that, but I've practiced stifling it and returning a canned "thank you" so that the uncomfortable moment can pass.


I'm a man so:

Appearence: They're lying

Intelligence: probably true

Tattoos: true

Sexual skills: very very true


You're very fond of yourself aren't ya?


Most men have issues with compliments on their physical appearance as it isnt common for them.

Men tend to value compliments on their intelligence/wit or skills



i'm like "aww thanks", i start blushing and i try to compliment them too.

it almost never works



You May Not Believe It Yourself


I never know what to do.

Most of the time I feel, like they are trying to say something nice for the sake of it. Its hard to take a compliment especially if you don't believe what they saying is true because_you_hate_yourself_so_much.


Recognize What You're Doing Before You Do It

Am a musician. Would awkwardly accept compliments by pointing out something i did wrong during the performance. Almost arguing against the compliment to defer it away.

It was pointed out to me that what i was doing was actually pretty rude. Here were people moved enough to vocalise something positive to me, and i would basically slap their opinions to the floor.

I was advised to look at a compliment like someone offering you a glass of water. I wouldn't slap a glass of water out of someones hand, even if i wasn't thirsty. At the least i would take the glass with a 'thank you' and appreciate that someone was nice enough to provide for me. But here i was thirsty for appreciation and knocking down whatever positive feedback i got.

Now I am very grateful for anyone who wants to talk about a gig. I make a point of complementing them back for going out of their way to mention something positive about a performance. And if I don't think it went well it clearly doesn't matter if there is an audience member who thinks so positively about the whole experience that they are compelled to come and tell me about it...or drunk enough.


Scams That Are All Too Easy To Fall For

Reddit user ChoiceLine2569 asked: 'What's a scam that's really easy to fall for?'

Suspicious person using computers in darkened room
Clint Patterson/Unsplash

Let's face it: Not even the wisest person is immune from being hoodwinked and swindled out of their hard-earned cash.

With every scheme that is exposed, another new tactic seems to quickly take its place.

The increase in deceptive emails and phone calls under the guise of unpaid fees or fines that don't exist is enough to make skeptics out of everyone–which can't be good for your social interactions with friends and colleagues since not everyone is out to get you.

But it's good to be familiar with the most common fraudulent acts in order to protect yourself.

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