People Break Down Their Biggest First Date Deal Breakers

People Break Down Their Biggest First Date Deal Breakers

Dating is tricky business.

When you subject yourself to dating, you're going to meet a wide variety of people. Finding your turn ons and offs is learning process. At some point, a dating partner may do something so rude or annoying, that it becomes a trait that you'll red flag in other people for the rest of your life.

Redditor u/h8raide88 got to learn about other people's dating preferences when they asked, "What habit or characteristic on a first date is a deal breaker?"

10. They're a terrible listener

"Repeatedly interrupting me when I'm talking, especially when I'm answering a question they asked. It tells me they're not actually engaged in what I'm saying."


9. They're obsessed with credit scores


"I know a girl who asks every guy she goes on a date with what his credit score is. She wants to make sure they're financially stable. Also she's 23 and doesn't know how to pump gas."


8. Know it alls are a no

"Being a know it all. I had lunch with someone who called the table salt 'sodium chloride' and used the bread as a way to tell me everything he knew about complex carbohydrates (some of which wasn't even correct) and their connections to evolutionary theory. Just felt like he was compensating for something"


7. They get sloppy drunk

"Getting so drunk on the first date that you can't figure out Uber and I have to drive you home. No, you can't stay on my couch, I don't know you."


6. They're careless with your car

"Here is a great story, first date in college. I drive a truck and live in a city. So spots are tight. This spot is particularly tight. So I say, 'this is a tight spot so watch your door when you open it.' Girl 'are you telling me how to open my door?' Doesn't pay basic attention and slams the door into the other car."


5. Eyes need to be off the phone

"On their phone the whole time. If you can't disconnect for an hour or so to engage with me then it's not going to work."


4. They're just an all out mess

"I went on a date with a girl, this date was a disaster. She got food in her hair and all over the place, she wouldn't get off her phone, and she stabbed herself in the cheek with her fork because she wasn't paying attention. I've never seen her since"


3. When they get flirting tips online

"The amount of guys who think negging is a good flirting technique is ridiculous. Contrary to what you read on WikiHow, insulting a girl doesn't make her want to impress you, it just makes her realize you're a ****."


2. Catfishing is just bad

"Lying about their appearance. Very specific app example (guess which one). But you see their pictures, they look nice and then they are different in person. Whats the point"


1. You have to take a literal test to meet them


"I was once set up to go on a blind date with this girl. We were given each other's email addresses and so I hit her up, we exchanged a few pleasantries, then set up a date/time to finally meet. The day of, I get an email from her in the morning with an attachment. I open up the attachment and there is a questionnaire with like 25-30 questions on it. She requested I kindly fill out the questionnaire before we meet. I quickly reviewed the questions before sending her a reply saying that it's probably best we don't meet."


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