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Life in full of the unexpected and all things that cannot be explained. I don't know about the rest of you, but déjà Vu is a daily visitor in my life. I am constantly wondering... "Did that just happen, again?"

Strange happenings abound in all of our lives. And finding ways to properly describe phenomena has never gotten easier.

How do you relay the details about dreams within dreams within nightmares that happened while we're awake? It's all part of the mystery.

Redditoru/TheCornishGameHenwanted to hear about some things that have occurred in life that we'll never properly define, by asking:

What is an experience you've had that you cannot logically explain?
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Have you ever experienced something that never made sense no matter how much you wracked your brain?

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People Share Examples Of "Movie Logic" That'd Never Work IRL

We give ourselves over to the magical realism of movies. Deep down, we know it'd never rain during our first kiss, the ball won't go in the hoop right at the buzzer, and we're statistically not the chosen one selected to save the universe. There's laws, rules, and a societal status guo we need to follow. If anyone lived their lives like the movies suggest, they'd be in a bit of trouble.

That's where the internet comes in. To shatter the magic.

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