People Break Down The First Thing They'd Do If They Were The Most Attractive Person In The World

There's no denying that the world is easier for attractive people. There have even been studies done on this phenomenon.

Attractive people get paid more, get considered for more jobs, and they're likelier to have much stronger social skills than someone who is considered unattractive. This isn't to say that attractive people do not succeed on the basis of their efforts and talents, but the hill is much tougher to climb if you're considered less attractive.

Suppose you wake up one day to find that you're drop dead gorgeous.

Just kidding – you already are!

But what would you do?

People shared their their ideas with us after Redditor _Lanaaaaa asked the online community,

"You're now the most attractive person in the world, what would be the first thing you'd do?"


"Probably still find something about my body or face to be insecure about."


Ouch! This is probably the realest response here. We all felt this.


"Replace my online avatar with my actual face, instead of some anime character."


How liberating! Poor anime characters... they didn't realize they'd be retired so quickly.

"Strip nude..."

"Strip nude in front of a full length mirror and worship my immaculate jawline and my perfectly structured body."


Whoa, I feel like I intruded on something personal... get a room!


"Get a free coffee from McDonald's."


Wait a minute, they do that? I guess I'm ugly...

"Get dressed..."

"Get dressed and go walk through a huge crowd to see how they react. Nobody ever notices me."


That's what you think! You'd be surprised. You might have a secret admirer somewhere.

"Walk around..."

"Walk around complimenting people and telling them how gorgeous they are."


Aww, this is sweet! They'd no doubt appreciate it. Go ahead and make someone's day!

"I'd go..."

"I'd go into acting. Why not?"


Why not, indeed. If you are most attractive person you will get some work even if you aren’t Daniel Day Lewis. And you can take acting classes after getting some small parts.

"I'd wonder..."

"I'd wonder how in the f*ck the world became so ugly."


I mean, fair. It'd probably shock you, being such a hot god among mere mortals.


"I already am."


I think many aspire to have this degree of confidence.

"Same thing..."

"Same thing I do every day. Try to take over the world!"


What's that sound? Is that the Pinky and the Brain theme song I hear in the distance?

Given all this, I'm surprised no one said what seems the most viable option: Secure a plethora of sugar daddies and modeling contracts to make bank before it all ends.

Work smart.

Have some suggestions of your own? Feel free to tell us more in the comments below!

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