People Of The World Describe What Their Home Country Does Better Than Anywhere Else

Home is where the heart is. Sometimes you just can't get anything done better than the way you get it at home.

People travel the world and plant roots far from their birthplace and still hold close the best of what home had to offer.

RedditorJJBoB159wanted to talk about everyone's geographical origins and what is done best there, so they asked:

"What does your country do better than any other?"

Pea soup.

My grandmother made the BEST pea soup.

And no matter where I go no one can beat it.

So Astoria, Queens, NYC... the best pea soup because of Gertie.

With Waffles

"Maple Syrup." ~ Rezhio

"As someone from the UK who grew up with sugar and lemon juice on pancakes, Maple syrup is one reason I will always love Canadians. I'd never tried it until a few years ago when I stayed in a hotel full of Canadians." ~ Scrumble71


Follow the Law

"Compensating strict laws with them being non-compulsory." ~ MarySteel

"Nikab ban. That was shocking for me when in news i saw chef of police who said that they chose not to give tickets for that. I said on meeting with friends that this shit is insane and he should be immediately fired. My friend who is lawyer here in Netherlands said that yeah, that's typical Dutch thing. To de-legalize something but leave a choice to police to enforce that." ~ bamboleini

"fuga di cervelli"

"Food and driving out talented people out of the country." ~ One_Investigator_360

"Its' a phenomenon we call "fuga di cervelli," it happens when qualified people are forced to leave the country to find better job opportunities. Here many employers demand a university degree, 5 years of previous experience with the job, flexibility regarding working hours plus not being older than 25/30 years old."

"And still only offer you a part time job with a ridiculous salary, like 30+ hours per week for 800 euros per MONTH. If you're female don't get me even started, they're more interested into knowing if you're planning to have children than your skills. When I was 22 I was asked to take a pregnancy test and show the result during a job interview and to disclose my choice of birth control, needless to say I got up and left." ~ geremijah


"We have the coldest city in the world. We also have brown bears, white bears, pet bears." ~ RussianNickname

"I saw a YouTube video on your city, how do you survive there, like serious question." ~ PotentialFriend8

"How do people survive in Yakutsk, you mean? It's not that hard."

"Just pay your heating bill, insulate well, wear multi-layered clothing... and don't shut off your car engine during winter. Just don't. It costs like $2000 in gasoline per year of constant winter running, but at least you'll get to work in the morning. Or buy or build a heated garage to store it in overnight. Also an option." ~ 101st_kilometre


"Wine and complain. I mean real wine, from grapes, but we are also great in whining 🤣." ~ SuspiciousFee1127


I think wine is a universal best at this point.

That is just my opinion.

I do know that celebrating cold is a no.


"Winning fish wars." ~ TartHuman7867

"Must be Iceland?" ~ JJBoB159

"Yupp!!" ~ TartHuman7867



"Adapt to extreme weather changes. From 15 to -5 in 12 hours? Rain, snow and sun in the same hour? 48 °C in the summer, and -48°C in the winter? Yup, no worries, although it's getting worst these years. Hey there from Montreal!" ~ lucycolt90

"I mean, i have all that in Michigan. Just doesn't quite hit -48 degrees, hehe. Record lowest was -46 celcius, and record high was 44 Celsius. both were nearly 100 years ago, and it's never that extreme anymore, heh." ~ jacksansyboy

Southern Style

"As an American, Barbecue. Not to slight other forms. They're all good. But good old fashioned Southern BBQ just takes the cake for me." ~ GoldH2O

"I'm imagining this comment with a nice smoke ring around it." ~ DLIPBCrashDavis


"Yogurt! Amazing Bulgarian yogurt! Don't come at me saying.. 'naah, it actually Greek yogurt' naaah fam, Bulgarians make the most amazing delicious yogurt in the world, the termin Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus (L. bulgaricus) which is a representative of the group of lactic acid-producing bacteria, comes exactly because of our Bulgarian dairy products!" ~ lum0s_n0x

Meme Away

"I'm from Zambia in southern Africa. We hands down make the best memes. At the point it's even gone overboard 😂😂😂😂. Don't fight me on this, these people have 0 chill and nothing is left untouched." ~ QueenLaDidA


Celebrate your origins.

Then send them out to the world.

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