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Foreigners Break Down Their Favorite American Meals

Foreigners Break Down Their Favorite American Meals
Jonathan Borba/Unsplash

Growing up, I had zero idea that the food I ate daily was "cultural."

It didn't occur to me until I was a kid when my mother had to gently explain to me that not everyone ate rice & beans.

She had to explain it because we were about to eat at a white friend's house for the first time.

I've always been weird about food tastes and textures and mom needed to warn me that the beans I could expect would be nothing like what I knew.

They would be sweet, have big chunks of chewy pork (which would also be sweet), and would NOT be served with rice.

"What do you mean there's no rice with the beans? Did they run out? Should we bring some?"

"No, they just don't eat rice and beans."

"So what do they eat with their chicharron de pollo?"

"They don't eat that. They do fried chicken a little different and they tend to eat things like rotisserie chicken instead."

Y'all should have seen my face.

It's been thirty years and I still struggle with the idea of not eating rice and beans all the time. I've come to understand that not everyone grew up in a Caribbean cultural household, though, and most Americans ate from a whole other menu.

Reddit user remyleboi00 asked:

"Non-Americans, what is the best 'American' food?"

Even as someone born in America, it took a while before I got familiar with American food.

So if it's just not your comfort zone - let Reddit guide you to the can't miss dishes.


"Cajun food. Definitely the most unique American food"

- Excision

"As an American I 100% agree with you. Cajun food is heaven sent"

- Chaoticqueen19

"That's because of it's native American roots, fun fact Cajun peppers are named after the south American tribe that influenced the Spanish/French who brought it to Louisiana. Maque Choux is also a very native American dish that can be found in Mexico as Calabasitas."

- Objective_Lion196

They Are Fun

desperate housewives eating GIFGiphy

"Curly fries 👌"

"Recently came across Carl’s jr for the first time in Istanbul airport and the curly fries were just the best"

- av_jet


- GrandpasMormonBooks

"the fun thing about curly fries is that they are basically the same everywhere. I'm pretty sure it's one company supplying all the different fast food places"

- siccanimelord69


"I hate to sound like an ignorant foreigner but a made from scratch Mac & Cheese with at least 3 different cheeses plus a crispy breadcrumb crust on top is one of my favorite American dishes"

- Mona_Moans

"Mac & Cheese is such a favorite of family get-togethers that if you volunteer to cook it, your Mac & Cheese needs references."

"It’s especially good with some pulled pork and caramelized onions mixed in. And some insulin."

- GetZePopcorn

"Solid choice. We Americans LOVE cheese."

- RyGuyStrong

"No need to apologize. One of our favorites too."

- sexysmartsingle

Thankful For Thanksgiving.

I Love You Cooking GIF by Bob's BurgersGiphy

"I'm from Mexico and we get spoiled with our traditional cuisine but I found the thanksgiving dinner experience in the US incredible."

"Love everything, the turkey (dark meat :) ), cranberry sauce, the stuffing (oh the stuffing), mashed potatoes, salads and the delicious pays that follow for dessert. That whole combination plus the red wine and good company is an incredible experience hard to match."

- i5rider

"We also get spoiled with your traditional cuisine."

- Pharaon4

"I usually get a food coma on Thanksgiving"

- FrenchiesRule

"As an American who loves the Thanksgiving and other holiday classics this warms my heart to hear from someone whose cultural cuisine is considered a full on cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO."

"A nicely done, quality turkey with proper attention paid to all the sides, and good friends and/family is such a great experience."

"Same with the ham or prime rib dinner at Christmas. And all the pies. God I love pumpkin pie."

- RedCascadian

Smokey Deliciousness

"Anything smoked: brisket, pork shoulder, chicken, turkey. I've even had smoked burgers. If seasoned well you don't even need BBQ sauce and it is so tender and juicy."

- stickiestofickies

"I smoke meatloaf, can't go back to oven baked ever again."

- JohnnyBrillcream

"This tread has me wanting to smoke a brisket sooner rather than later."

- firemage22

"I love smoked brisket. I agree with you about the sauce. Taste the brisket before dunking in another flavor."

- Sourbreaker

"Native Texan here. Agreed. The general rule here is that you never sauce beef. Let the flavor of the meat stand for itself. Hell, there are some places in Texas (particularly in Lockhart) that will ask you to leave their establishment if you ask for BBQ sauce."

"Now, pork and chicken, whatever else... Go nuts... Just leave beef alone."

- IAmTheZechariah

"I had smoked mac and cheese once, it was heavenly."

- RecursiveBob

Risk It All

hungry bart simpson GIFGiphy

"This is probably a recipe for disaster but I'm British and growing up visiting Florida I would love eating raw cookie dough from the refrigerator section"

- Blocker212

"Cookie dough is so good that, given the option between not eating it, or getting food poisoning, nearly everyone will pick the cookie dough."

"It’s one of the few foods in the country where everyone knows the risk of food poisoning, and everyone makes the conscious, willing, and eager decision to not give a f*ck."

- duckbill_principate

"All of us here in the U.S. know that eating the cookie dough is the best part of making homemade chocolate chip cookies. I have a recipe for brownies with a cookie dough topping. Cookie dough ice cream is also extremely common (it’s vanilla ice cream with cookie dough bits mixed in)."

- Idontcheckmyemail

The Holy Pudding

"I can’t find someone who’s listed it so"


"That shit is LIFE CHANGING"

- Madmagican-

"Gotta have the Nilla wafers or it isn't right."

- zekeweasel

"Ah, finally! A person of culture. Banana pudding is the closest food can come to a religious experience."

- timmeh4853


cornbread cooking GIF by emibobGiphy

"Oddly enough, no one seems to have mentioned it…but cornbread . Yeah , as a guy who moved here , Americans have got cornbread down to a T . Combined with some soul food ? Makes me smile on the inside . Gives me high blood pressure , but smile on the inside too"

- Thatmixedotaku

"A nice warm cornbread muffin with some butter and a little drizzle of honey is amazing."

- AvatarJack

"Cornbread with a nice bowl of chili is such a nice comfort food."

"And the spicier the chili the nicer the sweet, buttery cornbread is with it."

- WingedLady

A Classic

"Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, at first i thought it was a disgusting combo, but when i tried i loved it"

- ilovepotatoesalott

"Interesting, most people in America are introduced to pb&j before we're even old enough to remember"

- Clear_Impact2025

"Farmer’s market jam is the way."

- ubiquitous-joe

"That was my most frequent meal in elementary school. I didn't realize it was an American thing until recently."

- Robbie_the_Brave

"It's easily top 3 greatest sandwich ever."

- The_Exquisite

As American As It Gets

pulp fiction breakfast GIF by MIRAMAXGiphy

"I may be a simpleton, but an average diner with bottomless filter coffee, pancakes, bacon and syrup was my favourite part of the day. Although I did put on about 10-15kg after a month in Texas"

- BasedEvidence

"I missed this sooooo much when I lived in the UK (grew up in New Jersey, land of diners). They simply do not do American diner breakfasts in Europe."

- landshanties

"My wife is German, I am American but we live in Germany. We took her parents to the states with us one summer on vacation and one of the things they insisted we do was go to a diner where they pour your coffee at the table, like in movies and tv shows."

"Took them to my favorite little spot, they loved the waitress filling up their cups unprompted."

- the-real-truthtron

Now that youve heard Reddit, it's my turn.

So remember how I said that I wasn't really exposed to American food until I was a bit older, even though I was born and raised in America?

I was 22 before I had meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

FAM. Fam. Faaaaaaaaaaam.

There is no greater meal for after a night of drinking than a good meatloaf and a nice herb and garlic mashed potato.

Keep your greasy pizza, amateurs. It's potato time over here.

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man with girl on his shoulders

Brittani Burns on Unsplash

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But there's always room for improvement, right?

And who better to offer constructive criticism than daughters?

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Full disclosure at all times with your significant other, right?

Yeah, good luck with that.

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We all have that moment where someone we know says something so completely absurd, the only response we think of is 'WTF is wrong with you?'

Sometimes, it's something woefully inaccurate that you can't wrap your head around the fact that someone believes that.

Othertimes, it's something completely offensive and you regret your association with that person.

My college roommate was a girl I knew from my high school. I didn't know her too well, but we had some big things in common, so I figured it'd be fun to live with her.

This girl was half-Korean and talked a lot about racist people. At first, I let her rant, figuring maybe she or someone in her family faced some racism. I faced some myself, and I agreed with most of the things she said about racists. Eventually, however, I realized she was equating the word 'racist' with the word 'white.'

I spoke to her once, telling her she can't use 'racist' and 'white' interchangeably. She agreed to stop doing that, but within a few days, she started doing it again. She was a very bright girl, so I was a little concerned about this, especially since her own dad was white and was possibly the nicest man in the world. Not to mention, this made her and her siblings half-white too. Did that mean they were all half-racist?

I stuck by her for a while, but when she started saying things about what she wanted to do to racist people (once again using the word 'white' instead of 'racist'), I realized I couldn't be around her anymore. She couldn't talk about anything else after a while, and every time she spoke, I wanted to say, 'WTF is wrong with you?'

We did not room together the next year.

Redditors have stories similar to mine (and some even crazier), and they are eager to share.

It all started when a Redditorasked:

"What did the person do/say that made you go "what the f**k is wrong with you?"

How To End A Friendship

"In college I used to kill time between classes hanging out with a guy who was from the same redneck county as myself. We didn’t really have much else in common, but he was nice enough and seemed eager to socialize so I figured why not. I wasn’t overly social myself and didn’t know a whole lot of people."

"One day we decided to go somewhere off-campus, and he drove us. While driving, on an interstate mind you, he proceeds to show me his handgun that he kept in his truck - not in a menacing way, but in a “Ain’t that cool?” way."

"I was not immediately frightened, but I respect firearms enough to recognize we are going like 60-70mph on an interstate in daylight, and nothing good can happen in this scenario. I calmly asked him to put it away because I was not comfortable in this situation at all. He then tells me “Oh it’s not loaded” and presses the gun to his head before pulling the trigger."

"Thank f**k he was right, but still it was a wild and frightening display of reckless disregard for his own life and mine for that matter in the event that he’d accidentally killed himself while driving us. I didn’t hang out with him much after that, certainly didn’t get in a car with him."

– omjf23

"“It’s not loaded” famous last words of many an idiot."

– GloInTheDarkUnicorn

The Worst Kind Of People

"When my dad was in the nursing home, they weren't running certain expenses, like ambulance rides, through his insurance. When I took over his financials, he was tens of thousands in medical debt that shouldn't have ever been charged to him in the first place. He was in numerous collections, and his credit score was tanked."

"When I complained to the nursing home director, he said, "Well, it's not like he's going to be buying a house or a car!" Then he laughed."

"My dad was paralyzed from the waist down and needed lifelong care, so he was never going to leave the nursing home. Even though he was technically correct, I gave him the "WTF is wrong with you look." Then I complained to HIS boss and he got canned a couple a weeks later. My dad's insurance was fixed pretty quick, too."


"“Sorry, what was funny about that? Could you please explain.”"

– v3n0mat3


"MIL told my wife she should divorce me bc I googled whether a lasagna should be covered with foil while cooking."

– Struggle-Silent

"This is my first laugh of the thread lmao wtf."

– koreantrvp

"It actually ruined this entire trip. It was at my BIL’s wedding, which was only close family (siblings + parents) and they had the caterer make a lasagna for an evening dinner."

"Father of the bride was gonna pop it in the oven and asked if it should be covered. I googled lasagna cooking instructions and said yes it should be covered and cooked at this temp. MIL said absolutely not!"

"Me and the father of the bride kinda gave each other a look and he covered it. MIL was furious and texted my wife that I was an a hole and she should divorce me before we had kids."

– Struggle-Silent

Hostile Work Environment

"Boss at old job told the team we needed to ‘get used to a healthy level of conflict, fear and anxiety in the workplace.’ I dipped so fast after that."

– Prestigious-Energy69

"Similarly, a boss told me that I owed him my loyalty because he was paying me."

– Kylearean

How To End A Relationship

"A girl I was with while we were still together just looked at me while I was driving to her house and said.” You know I would get over you faster than you’d get over me” I was like …… Tf did you just say?"

– omega91301

"Huh. And just like that I'm over you."

– Pineapple_Spenstar

"Honestly, that would absolutely do it for me. When I was younger, I would be stupid and hurt and argue. I'm past 50 and I got no time for that nonsense."

– Terpsichorean_Wombat

There Are Other Ways To Stave Off Boredom

"I was DD for some buddies who wanted to go to a particular dance club in Baltimore. They're all hammered, it's too loud and we've been there for several hours. Casually an older woman next to me chats me up and notices my eyes are nearly crossing from boredom. I explained what I was doing there and casually (stupidly) mentioned I'm a bit bored. This psycho BITES ME on the chest! Afterward says "Well ya ain't bored now, are ya??""

– Mike7676

"Well, were you bored after that?"

– DontWannaSayMyName

"I must say, I was not!"

– Mike7676

That Goes Both Ways!

"I'm a man who works with kids, and when I started this job, I was talking to one of my old coworkers about how every once in a while I'll get weird looks for being a man working with kids and my coworker said I deserved it because some men can't be trusted with kids. I was shocked and she went on to say that I did it to myself and deserve to be questioned about it. I immediately stopped talking to her."

– Dolhedew

"What? What in the actual f**k? Doesn’t she know there are women who can’t be trusted with kids?"

– Anonymoosehead123

That Escalated Quickly

"The lady that accused my kids of cutting the line. (They hadn't, I was watching). When I went to ask her what was wrong, she told me to go back to my own country with that sh*t. (I was born in Massachusetts.)"

"The line was to pet dogs at a Renaissance Fair."

– pasafa

Everything All At Once

"While alone with a coworker, he told me that "women in the work place will lead to the decay of the fabric of society" to me. A woman. He also asked me out, got an attitude when I didn't say yes and continues to walk around with huge incel energy. He always complains that he has no one to go home to yet refuses to look at himself as a possible reason."

– Nopeferatu31

"Sounds like they should learn something from the phrase, "if you meet one a**hole, they're the a**hole. If everyone you meet is an a**hole, you're the a**hole.""

– tmpope123


"I told a coworker my wife had died."

"Her response: "You're one of those bald middle aged guys with a dead wife.""

"Me: "Yeah.""

– WalrusCello

"I want to think this was a wholesome thought that came out wrong. An awkward attempt at dark humor."

– ThisUsernameIsTook


"Had an otherwise normal co-worker who was completely convinced windmills will cause the earth to stop spinning."

– Shadowmant


– Torvaun

These are all crazy 'WTF is wrong with you' stories, but that last one blew my mind in 'how is it possible people think that could be true' sort of way!

black and red tool box

Tekton on Unsplash

One of the possible wonders of adulthood is home ownership. But homes come with so many things that can break.

And the last thing you want is a nonfunctioning furnace when temperatures dip below zero or no water when you're covered in dirt and grime.

That's what routine maintenance is for—to make sure things work when you need them.

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