People Share The Best Professional Weakness To Mention In A Job Interview

You're always on a mission to impress at a job interview.

As a result, you want to have a number of qualifications to share in your back pocket that might not otherwise be listed on your resume.

After all, showing off your strengths and skill sets is a surefire way to get the job.

But can one of your weaknesses be equally impressive?

Strange as it may seem, sometimes admitting where you don't excel, or where you might need to learn from those more experienced, might see you progress to another round of interviews more than showing off your strengths.

Redditor hussainhsn was curious to hear what professional weaknesses one should always bring up when at a job interview, leading them to ask:
"What is a good weakness to mention on a job interview?"

I Was Born Weak!

"'What is your greatest weakness?"'

"'Ummmm probably that I have no strengths'."- mmmspaghettios

Just Make Sure They Measure Up...

"'Why do you want to work he-'"

"'I'd say my greatest weakness is listening'."- lolwutalan

Show What You're Doing To Improve This Weakness

"When I was graduating college I got interview tips from my dad who was heavily involved in the hiring process at his company for his department."

"His advice on this one, which I’ve used ever since and has gone great, was:"

"The whole 'say a weakness that’s actually a positive' has been done to death and is such common knowledge that it’s no longer a clever 'trick' and is now seen as avoiding the question."

"People want to see some self awareness, obviously don’t bring something absolutely terrible up, but mention a real flaw and most importantly what you’ve done to address or work with it."

"For example the one I tend to use is that I can be forgetful so I now keep multiple sets of calendars, reminders, notes, etc to cover as much as possible."- CinnamonSwisher

I'll Always Be First To Volunteer

"I have a hard time saying no."- somanysheep

Show That You're Willing To Learn

"If you are changing industries, your biggest weakness is not knowing the industry... yet."

"If you are younger, say inexperience."

"Anything to show your willingness to learn and develop."- JesseTBaker

Making Your Voice Be Heard

"For my current job, I said that I had a hard time sharing my ideas with new groups."- Hogger18

If Only It Were That Easy

"I'm terrible at interviews."- bloodstreamcity

Will Always Get Things Done

"Actual weakness."

"Taking on jobs by myself, not taking time to train other people to do them."

"In the end, I'm usually 'the guy' and find myself feeling burnt out."

"Probably could be worded better at an interview, but this could sound like you're a 'go-getter'."

"It might also encourage your employer to find opportunities for you to train other people to do things you particularly don't like doing."- robot_germs

Find Common Ground

"I work in healthcare and always say 'Not speaking Spanish' and odds are the interviewer is also not fluent in Spanish so it comes across as not really a weakness."

"WIN WIN."- CharlieChooper

Otherwise Indestructible

"Weak against fire and sharp objects."- zeroblackzx

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