People Break Down Which Things They Don't Actually Need But Really Want

People Break Down Which Things They Don't Actually Need But Really Want
Ricardo Cruz on Unsplash

The Rolling Stones famously sang "You Can't Always Get What You Want," and suggested that getting what we need is sometimes what's most important.

That's all well and good Mick Jagger but cut us some slack.

We all deserve to be spoiled every now and then, and what we need isn't always as important as getting what our hearts truly desire.

Curious to hear what some of those might be, Redditor _Xyreo_ asked:

"What’s something you don’t actually need but really want?"

These Redditors have niche desires.

It's One Or The Other

"It is a toss up between a miniature giraffe, or a functioning Congress filled with reasonable adults."

– DorothyRMartin

Newer Is Better

"A new graphics card, the one I have is fine but it’d be nice to have a new one."

– amzlrr

A Literal Want

"Books. I know I could buy a kindle, but nothing compares to seeing my library full of books."

– sbboring

Time To Slay

"A sword. And a fireplace so I can hang my sword above it."

– silhouette-of-a-gun

For The Win

"A gay swan that can sing like a human and knows all of the words to Don't Go Breakin' My Heart that I can take to karaoke to duet with me."

"Also his name is Elton Swan."


These articles of clothing are not necessarily about the fashion.

Warm And Fuzzy Collection

"More sweaters."

"I collect sweaters, currently have 168 of them and I don't need more, but I still want more. My goal is to have enough where I could wear a different one every day of the year if I wanted to."

– -eDgAR-

Let's Start With The Kicks

"Some of those Nike super shoes. Not only do I not need them but I don't have the physical fitness to take advantage of them. Second on my list might be the Lego Disney Castle. No lego set is ever a need."

– throwaway_4733

These basic wants can seem so far out of reach.

Home To Call Your Own

"A house because renting sucks."

– HelFJandinn

Private Bubble

"A week for myself without any people. Just me and the ps5.."

– DutchWinchester86

These Redditors want to improve their physical traits.

The Snack Life

"A body that can handle all of the junk food without gaining weight or becoming unhealthy."

"I know I don't need to eat ice cream or chips, but if I could without consequence, it would make my evenings that much more enjoyable. I love to snack."

– heyigotchubro

New Gnashers

"A perfect new set of teeth."

– toothfixingfiend

I want a lifetime pass that gets me and my family into any Disney park around the world for free.

Jiminy Cricket said that "when you wish upon a star," your dreams come true. So how about it, Disney?

Make my holy grail dreams come true.

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