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Person with kick-me sign on their back
Photo by Ilayza on Unsplash

Even if society as a whole seems to become more tolerant with each passing year, bullying still remains an ever-growing problem.

Particularly at schools.

Some might say bullying has only gotten worse, as social media often means children are no longer safe when they're out of school hallways and in the comfort of their own homes.

What is perhaps most disturbing and perplexing about bullying is there is never a justifiable reason for people to behave so appallingly.

Often, children bully other children to make them seem cool or powerful in the eyes of others.

Most of the time, they will also pinpoint a certain thing about their helpless victims as a feeble excuse to justify their bullying.

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People Describe What Is Not Recognized As Bullying But Actually Is
Zoe Fernandez on Unsplash

There was a time when cyberbullying wasn't taken seriously, believe it or not. Times have certainly changed, haven't they?

Now that smartphones are so ubiquitous, people take cyberbullying more seriously than they ever did, not that there weren't cases of cyberbullying that made the news before.

There was a time when people were just instructed to not take cyberbullying so seriously, to the detriment of everyone.

It's a kind of bullying that is now treated with the attention and seriousness it deserves.

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People Break Down What They Were 'Famous' For In School

The cliques and labels that come with middle and high school can be socially rewarding or make your time in school feel unbearable. School in the early 2000s could be brutal. At least for the brainy kid who didn't fit all the norms. I was famous mostly for being the weird chubby kid.

I remember having conversations and pretending to not be as smart as I was because I didn't want to stand out anymore than I already did. Transferred schools once in middle school because bullies got so bad. Fast forward though and I love my curves, my mind, and now it's mainstream and “cool" to be nerdy. I love my life.

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Formerly Homophobic People Who Later Came Out As LGBTQ Share Their Stories
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

People change. People learn and grow. That is the hope, that we will evolve into better humans.

Now I do give some people leeway as age and experience fashions them into better forms of themselves, especially for people who spend many formative years as "bullies."

One of the most bullied groups is the LGBTQIA community. Sadly many inflict inhumane cruelty on them.

And because too many others are just confused about themselves. Hurt people, hurt people. That is a very accurate saying. And often the people lashing out at the LGBTQIA community are just too afraid to admit, they want a ticket to the party.

Redditor u/straight-up-bs wanted to hear some hard but fantastic truths from people who found their truth by asking: Previous homophobes who turned out to be gay, what's your story?
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People Explain What Happened To The Biggest A-Hole In Their Life
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We all have one. That one person we wish we could all erase, not just from our lives but from the Earth.

Even the best and kindest of us has harbor ill feelings towards one individual who made life, difficult, at times.

The truth, is that there are some truly malicious, nasty, vindictive, awful people running around this planet, and they take pleasure in the plight of other's.

And it's best to know where they are, even when they are finally gone from our lives.

Redditor u/cocobotisbest was wondering who wanted to discuss the people we'd rather forget by asking:

What happened to the "a**hole" person in your life?
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