People Explain How They Have Conditioned Their Mind Not To Worry What Others Think About Them

We all suffer from some level of self consciousness.

The way we present ourselves is actually very important. After all, can't you recall your first impressions of some people? It's no wonder that we sometimes get anxiety about what other people think of us. However, life is short and other people's opinions shouldn't be something that dominates your mind.

That's why Redditor FatFat05 "How do you train your mind not to worry what others may think of you?", to fight against the constant worries of what other people think.

10. You'll never see those strangers again

"I literally just remind myself that 90% of the people I run into will never see me again, so what's the point of trying to impress?"


"I found this saying helpful 'Other people have better things to do than sit around thinking about you'"


9. Too old to care

"I think as soon as you turn 30, each year afterward you just naturally give about 10% less of a f*ck what anybody else thinks."


"Fun fact, your brain literally works this way...

During your life you'll train your brain in various ways like with moving/sports or creating music. By doing so you trigger your brain to keep making cells. As you get older a new system in your brain develops that kind of influences the part of your brain that manages emotions (negative in this case). The more this grows the less negative feelings you get thus giving less *****!"


8. Stop judging people

"It's possible that you thinking that everyone around you is judging you comes from you projecting your own critical judgement of others. The solution here would be to try to stop judging those around you so much and become more accepting of people in general. This will slowly alter your perception of others to the point where you stop worrying about them judging you."


7. Just YOLO

"Ask yourself how many hours of your day thinks about the guy you just bought your groceries from? Or that girl you walked passed by?

If you don't really give much thought to others than other people don't give a **** what you do. So stop being scared and YOLO"


6. Social media cleanse 

"get rid of your social media" for a cleanse


"This is just a generally good tip for mental health."


5. It's okay to be single

"Idk what happened I think it's when I got dumped for like the 34th time and I was like. Dude I'm way happier alone so now I live life like a ****ing weirdo and I'm growing out a man bun and trying new things that would otherwise make me look like a fool until the person that can truly love me for who I am shows up"


4. Fight status anxiety...

"Most of that comes from social competition and continuous comparison to others. Learn to compare yourself only to yourself. Did I do my best? What can I improve? How much do I want to improve next time? By comparing yourself to yourself you automatically stop comparing yourself to others. As a result you become happier, more goal oriented, more strategic and more accomplished/productive."


3. Talk to stubborn people

"Go into the politics subreddit and tell them what you really think. Spend days arguing with people. At some point, you just realize that maybe it's fine to let them be them and you be you."


2. How can this benefit you?

"It's all part of the big picture about not caring about things that are unimportant to you, and only caring about things that bring you specific measurable benefit.

Does something benefit you? Great, put energy into that. Anything else, **** it. Not worth your time unless you get something out of it."


1. You only care about their opinion

"I find the more empathetic you get, you ironically get less worried about others. Everyone's go their own ****, the only reason you're worried about others is because of their opinion of you, therefore you're not actually thinking about them, hence they need not worry about what you think of them, because....oh I've gone cross-eyed"


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