People Explain The One Change That Drastically Improved Their Quality Of Life

One second. One moment. One decision.

They can change... everything.

Change happens with and without notice. Life happens instantly, so we have to learn to keep up.

These are all lessons we learn too late. We need more wisdom when we're younger.

We can make our lives better from the smallest decisions without knowing. But, let's start knowing.

Life will be the better for it.

Redditor ChrisVIII wanted to discuss the best ways to make living better, in the most simple of ways.

They asked:

"What improved your quality of life so much, you wish you did it sooner?"

Pay attention in school.

Don't drink and drive.

Two very small and life altering decisions I wish I could've done better.

Walk Away

"Walking. After years of trying to run, I simply started walking. 5-7 miles a day in good weather. It is literally life changing in terms of mental and physical health." ~ Merlin560



"Adopted my block. ( Instead of being sad about trash everywhere, I go out a couple times a week with a grabber and a bucket and just clean it up. Fresh air, a chance to connect with neighbors in a positive way, eyes on the street, neighborhood looks nicer and feels safer, zero downside."

"Adoptoneblock might only be in Oregon, but a picker is like 20 bucks for a good one (I recommend Arcmate brand; they're metal inside and last forever) and 5-gallon buckets are everywhere. Even if you only do the block around your house, it makes a huge difference. Imagine if every block got adopted." ~ binkkit

"helping people out"

"I stopped saying yes to things I didn't want to do." ~ VinnyRuns

"Holy sh*t me too! I used to do hair and eventually once I was working for myself I would say yes to literally everything all the time. Including 'helping people out' and stuff like that. I loved making people happy but I eventually got more and more miserable and ended up with a pretty heavy drug addiction."

"A bunch of years later and some really helpful therapy and I work a job that I actually love and no longer do hair for anyone other than my girlfriend or very close family. Only took 16 years of doing something I didn't really love to finally break and make the changes I needed to get what I want out of life." ~ arcaneresistance

Sail Away

"Taking a yearly vacation. My family never traveled growing up so I didn't know what I was missing out on but I have a good paying job with time off benefits and my wife and I have been taking a vacation every year since we got married, even if it's just something simple the time away from the usual day-to-day does wonders." ~ brshimp

Push No

"Turning off all push notifications except for essentials like financial apps or important contacts." ~ cyan_reynolds


I'm learning so much already.

And HOW do I turn off those notifications?

Drink Up

"Drinking water first thing in the morning and through the day." ~ FuriousBebocho



"Swallowed my pride and got a blue collar job. For almost 20 years I followed my mother's advice, work inside so it's warm when it's cold outside and cool when it's warm outside. Now I deliver packages outside and the weather doesn't bother me. I have no boss on my shoulder and I can do my job however I want." ~ veldrinshade

Restful Nights

"CPAP machine. If you snore at all, you owe it to yourself to get a sleep study and see what is going on. It literally changed my life getting one. I went from constant caffeine throughout the day just to function to feeling rested for the first time in years. Especially if you are overweight like I am, your heart is stopping multiple times an hour as you struggle to breathe while snoring."

"It sucks getting used to the machine (especially if you have to wear the full face mask), but man that first night of actual deep sleep will be life changing. I cannot recommend it enough and I have convinced at least 5 people that I know to get one and they all say the same thing, should have done it years ago." ~ bonez59054

The Top View

"Quit my job and moved to the mountains. I realized I cared more about what I did with my free time than whatever work I did, so I got a job where my SO and I wanted to live. We live in a cute mountain town now and every day watching the sunrise at home gives me 1000% more happiness than anything ever in Illinois." ~ starciv14

For the Zzzzzsss....

"A good bed. Game changer." ~ Dividebynegativezero


Water and bedding are essentials to happy living.

Don't be afraid, you can always start doing better now.

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