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Cat Owners Recall The Worst Thing Their Feline Has Ever Done

Cat Owners Recall The Worst Thing Their Feline Has Ever Done

Cats are lovely animals and make wonderful pets... but they also have a knack for getting into mischief.

My old cat––miss him dearly––had a habit of knocking over glasses and I can't tell you how furious I became each time I had to break out the dustpan and sweep up shards of glass from the floor. (The problem was eventually rectified, just so you know.)

We love our cats (and their attitudes) at least until they start to get really annoying, as we were so kindly reminded once Redditor thiscouldbeitall asked the online community, "Cat owners of reddit, what is the douchiest thing your cat has ever done?"

"I was hanging a painting..."

I was hanging a painting and my cat walked up and vomited into my open toolbox.


"She bit my toe..."

She bit my toe in my sleep hard enough to draw blood, which scared me out of bed and onto the floor, where I smacked my head on the corner of my nightstand.

So then at 2am in the morning, bleeding from two wounds directly caused by this cat, I had to comfort the little sh!t because I'd scared her jumping up and hollering.


"Was excited..."


Was excited about getting a new plant for my living room. The first night he took a crap in the pot.


"Then proceeded..."

Ate ribbon. Then proceeded to scare himself when he crapped cause it was stuck. Ran all over the house with this crap ribbon hanging out getting poop plops all over every carpet in every room.

Caught him, wrapped my hand in paper towels, and proceeded to pull said craptastic ribbon.

Wash, rinse, and repeat 3 months later when we discovered he likes to eat string too.


"The quiet one..."

The quiet one woke us up at 2 am meowing her damn head off. She wanted to show us her big catch.

AN OVEN MITT! She was proud of catching and slaying a damn oven mitt.


"My cat caught a mouse..."

My cat caught a mouse in the middle of the night and was very proud of it, so naturally she jumped into my bed and dropped it on my face.

Only she was a terrible hunter and hadn't actually killed it. Cue terrified mouse running down the length of my body.


"Turned on the gas..."

Turned on the gas in the middle of the night and tried to kill us.


"But her love..."

I loved my old cat. She loved me. But her love destroyed my ability to sleep. Eventually, she would just sit herself on my chest or back and rub her face against mine until I woke up. And by eventually, I mean no later than six in the morning. She's been gone for six years, and I still can't sleep past six, regardless of circumstances.

She was the best, though. Totally worth it.



Sometimes she goes out of her way to sneeze in my husband's face. As soon as she has, she walks away.


"When my cat was a kitten..."

When my cat was a kitten every time the lights turned off she would sprint all over the house, jump on everyone's bed, and slap them in the face. This also happened to my friend when I brought my cat over there for the weekend. I don't know if this counts but it's funny nonetheless.


Things That Scream 'I Make Terrible Financial Decisons'

Reddit user Mysterious_Fudge171 asked: 'What screams "I make terrible financial decisions?"'

How people manage their money can be a very contentious issue.

Some people have an air-tight budget, which they wouldn't dare stray from, even if they aren't even close to living paycheck to paycheck.

Others don't worry too much about how they spend day in and day out, even if they are still aware of how much they have in their checking and saving accounts.

Then there are those who love to spend money and are very good at doing so, but the concept of savings and a budget seems to escape them.

Often finding themselves confused by being in over their heads in credit card debt, despite the thousand dollar shopping spree they went on last week.

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