People Break Down Which Cities Are Totally Overrated

People Break Down Which Cities Are Totally Overrated
Image by Bruce Emmerling from Pixabay

Have you ever traveled to a city you've always heard good things about, only to be totally let down upon arrival?

According to this thread, many have, mostly because of people influenced by hype.

When a friend insists we travel to certain cities because we would "just love it," they're setting the bar pretty high.

And a city can also boast a rich history or an attraction that makes us curious enough to find out what makes it so appealing.

But, alas, when we finally reach the destination, it's never exactly what we thought it would be.

Curious to hear from strangers online, Redditor tshirtguy2000 asked:

"What city is overrated?"

These are not officially real cities but they do have a rotating population.

It's Always A Party There

"Party city."


"As a former slave associate at party city. I 100% agree."


Liability City

"Lego City. There always has to be someone falling into the river."


Lotsa Crime

"Cabot Cove, the murder capital of the world."

"Sure, the murders are all solved, but would you really want to live in a city with that much, easily solved, crime?"


Neighbor To Springfield

Shelbyville. Those f'kers steal trees from neighboring cities.

the simpsons episode 25 GIFGiphy

These were once considered destination cities but their popularity eventually took a nose dive.

Not Pair-A-Dice

"Atlantic City. Venture a few blocks off the boardwalk and it's incredibly depressing. Very clearly an area exploited by the big casinos while the locals have been driven to absolute poverty, while they still force a smile to work the shops that are required for the tourist traffic."


Lots Of Water

"Niagara Falls, Canada. I grew up there. Mayor pumps most of tax $ to casinos and tourism with flashy vegas-esque attractions."


Meh Beach

"Myrtle Beach. I'm not even saying that it has a good reputation, I'm just saying that any shred of positive thinking about it makes it overrated."


Where A Creek Is An Exciting Attraction

"Lamb's Grove, Iowa. It's not the paradise on earth that people always say it is. Don't get me wrong, it's got great Chinese food but the motel 6 is meh at best."


Impressions for these cities fell far below expectation.


"Dubai. It's the clickbait of the world. 'We have the biggest/tallest/most expensive YOU WON'T BELIEVE when you see THIS...' It's hot as f*k, everything's a man-made tourist trap; labor exploitation and racism are rampant, and they try so hard to prove to the world how modern and Westernized they are. Really, it's just government propaganda."


Oh, Florida

"Miami. Horrible place filled with horrible people."


Truth be told, many cities can be overrated.

It just depends on a person's experience, or a resident's perspective about what it is about the location they live in that is nothing worth writing home about.

If I had to choose, I would say Las Vegas is overrated, but that's because there is nothing in Sin City that is of personal interest to me.

I may be severely judged for my opinion, but that is a gamble I'm willing to take.

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