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For anyone seeking an adventure or way to grow themselves as a person, traveling and learning about other cultures is a great tool.

But there are some places that really are not worth traveling to, and it's better to save money for other destinations.

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Low angle photo of foggy skyscrapers
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Traveling and seeing new places and cultures should be on everyone's bucket list, but like every other experience, there are going to be some disappointing ones.

Some travel destinations are so disappointing, however, that people vow to never visit them again.

Ironically, many of those locations are dedicated travel destinations!

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People Break Down The Most Overrated Cities To Visit
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

So many exotic locales in the world to see... and plenty of places NOT to see.

When one travels, we have to be astute.

Do the research.

No harm in skipping where we don't need to be.

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People Break Down Which Cities They Think Are Vastly Underrated
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Who doesn't love a good travel experience?

While difficult right now, what with the seemingly never-ending worldwide pandemic, there still lingers in many people's hearts the desire to see the world.

But where to go? Don't want to go any place too touristy, too on the grid, right? Certainly there must be some spots that you've heard of but never given a second thought to see.

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People Break Down Which Cities Are Totally Overrated
Image by Bruce Emmerling from Pixabay

Have you ever traveled to a city you've always heard good things about, only to be totally let down upon arrival?

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