People Explain Which Things They're Sure Most Folks Are Lying About

Many people lie or exaggerate about seemingly little things. For example, I've wondered if many are lying or at the very least stretching the truth about the number of partners they've had.

One of those strange things where half of the people are lying and making the number higher, and the other half are lying and making it lower.

It's funny, isn't it? But you do you! What do we know?

People shared some of their thoughts with us after Redditor SleepingOmibozu asked the online community,

"What's something you're 100% sure most people are lying about?"

"How much..."

"How much their side hustle nets them."


When it comes to side hustles, everyone is much more successful than they actually are.

"Steroid abuse..."

"Steroid abuse in the fitness industry."


This is a big one. So many people who say they're natural are juicing.

"I have read..."

"I have read and understood the terms and conditions..."


Stop attacking me! I did not ask for this!

"That they don't..."

"That they don’t pick their nose."


Yeah, right. The number of people I've seen digging for gold in public is so high.

"Fully understanding..."

"Fully understanding the plot of the Metal Gear Solid series."


I stopped trying to. Do I get a cookie? I'd love one.

"How often they clean..."

"How often they clean their bed sheets."


I'm not even going to ask. I think I will be seriously horrified by the answer.

"If you're not busy..."

"About their productivity levels. If you’re not busy, you’re not a good person."


Yeah, whatever. This is as bad as bragging about not taking breaks at work. It's not a good look.

"So many lies."

"Their income. So many lies."


Many people feel very self conscious about their salaries. It's sad.

"Why they're late."

"Why they’re late."


I'm not late often but when I am it's usually because of something ridiculous where if I said the truth it would sound like a lie.

"Hating the word..."

"Hating the word 'moist.'"


I love the word moist and I won't apologise.

You mean there are still people going on about this? It's just a word, people. Calm down.

Life's a competition, apparently. Take what a lot of people tell you with a grain of salt. That's the best advice.

Have some observations of your own? Tell us more in the comments below!

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