People Confess What They Saw As A Kid That Actually Gave Them Nightmares

Children are very impressionable. They're also little humans, remember, and all quite different. Some are more afraid of some things than others. When I was a kid, some of my classmates were utterly terrified of Chucky, the killer doll.

I think he worked the best in the first film and to a larger extent in the second, but after that? Those movies got a bit ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?

Well, the memories linger, as you can imagine.

People took us on a trip down memory lane after Redditor teacatpeng asked the online community,

"What’s something you saw (as a kid) that gave you nightmares for a long time?"


"The movie Signs. Specifically the scene where they are recording a home movie and catch the feet under the fence or something. Greetings from my nightmares extraterrestrials!"


Oh Lord, this movie. I don't think it has aged well but it did pack a punch when I was younger.

"My young mind..."

The Fly (1986). My young mind was not ready for that movie.


To be fair, who is? Thanks, David Cronenberg!

"There was a TV movie..."

"There was a TV movie (Fire in the Sky?) I remember watching and all I can remember is a scary red sky and the guy laying on a table. Terrified me as a kid!"


You are correct! The movie is indeed Fire in the Sky and it appears to have successfully traumatized an entire generation!

"My whole class..."

"I was around like nine or ten? My whole class saw one of the alcoholics in our town viciously beat his girlfriend right next to the school grounds. It was… a little bit traumatising."


We're sorry you had to see that. This is devastating. Hopefully you were able to get some help afterward.

"I saw..."

I saw a car crash when I was about 7. I don't know if it is a result of that but I still have a phobia of driving and don't have a driving license at 26."


Possibly? You'd be surprised how much is rooted in childhood fear!

"If you know..."

"Event Horizon. If you know, you know. If you don't know, you'll sleep better not knowing."


Oh, I definitely know. That movie was creepy. The final act loses its way a bit but wow, is the rest of the film effective.

"Scared the hell out of me..."

"The Exorcist - watched it during a sleepover at my friend’s house when I was 9. Scared the hell out of me and couldn’t sleep right for weeks afterward."


Who could blame you? It's amazing that this film continues to attract more fans each year. It's exceptional.

"Nightmares for weeks after..."

"I was about 7 or 8 years old when The Poseidon Adventure aired as a late night movie one evening when my parents were out and we had a babysitter. Nightmares for weeks after, and I wouldn't swim in pools that whole summer."


Come to think of it, the 1970s disaster movie craze no doubt made some people think twiice about boarding a ship... or being in a high rise... or an airplane...

"I remember seeing..."

"I remember seeing a commercial for a horror movie when I was younger and it featured a scene where a woman's face was melting. It terrified me and gave me nightmares for weeks."


Now I need to hunt this movie down! What could it be?

"My bedroom..."

"Poltergeist III. My bedroom had a wall of mirrors in it at the time. I still have a hard time looking in a mirror if the lights are off."


The scene you're mentioning is probably the most effective one in the film and by then the series had definitely overstayed its welcome.

Are some of these posts bringing back some unsettling memories? We apologize in advance. You probably saw more scary movies than you remember, come to think of it.

Have some stories of your own? Feel free to tell us more in the comments below!

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