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People Confess Which Things Women Do Better Than Men

People Confess Which Things Women Do Better Than Men
Nicholas Houzey/Unsplash

Doing something "like a girl" has traditionally been an insult - but science says there's plenty of stuff that girls are just plain better at.

Reddit user DueVegetable4583 asked:

"What are things that women do better than men?"

Normally these "girl-power" lists will be full of things like "women are better nurturers" etc.

That might be true, but that's not the list Reddit set out to make. I promise this list doesn't look like what you'd expect.

For example, we're starting off in outer space!

Space Is For Girls

Outer Space Happy Dance GIF by NASA Giphy

"Enduring the ravages of long term space flight."

"Women lose muscle mass slower than men. There are video examples of female astronauts walking after re-entry when their male crew members have to be carried due to muscle atrophy."

- GenaArmagost

"I always found it interesting that women tend to have more endurance than immediate strength. More women tend to survive in famines then men, probably because the body needs to be able to keep in fat for reproduction and insulation."

- Minimum-Cauliflower2

"Women also use fewer calories on average, making them the more efficient option for long-distance space travel."

- velawesomeraptors

"I’m a researcher working on the effects of galactic cosmic radiation on the brain."

"At least in mice it is typically seen that this type of radiation has a lower detrimental effect in female mice than male mice on cognitive function. It is believed that estrogen could play a neuroprotective role but more studies are needed to confirm."

"So there’s another aspect of long term (and deep) space flight."

- DeArgonaut

"I read a study on the effects of estrogen on muscle mass in women recently."

"Estrogen is linked to muscle recovery and that might contribute to female astronauts being able to hold on to muscle mass better in space."

"This is not my field of study though, so I’m happy to be corrected if someone has more info. I just found the article when I was looking for women’s fitness information."

- growerofpalms

Better In Every Possible Way

"Former gymnastics coach here."

"Before puberty, girls in competitive gymnastics are almost universally better in every possible way except confidence, including strength."

"I should clarify:"

"My girl gymnasts are stronger, in that they have generally been able to do more pull-ups (and with better form) than my boy gymnasts; whether that tendency maps to the population in general would be a separate question entirely."

"But where the difference seems much more dramatic is in skills that combine strength with precise control. Most girls I've coached are probably slightly better than most boys I've coached at things like push-ups and pull-ups."

"But where the girls really leave the boys in the dust is more complex strength skills, such as press handstands, muscle-ups, mannas, pullovers, etc."

"The girls have more precise body control, better discipline, are stronger, etc. If gymnastics competition were coed, I guarantee 90% of state and national champions in the under-12 age brackets would be girls."

"With the onset of puberty this shifts quite a bit, but even at the highest levels, female gymnasts tend to have much better form."

"Also, women are far stronger in Yurchenko-style vaults generally, even up through older age brackets and higher levels."

- GeoffreyTaucer

Bloody Hell

"Dealing with blood coming out of your genitals."

"I've seen blood come out of my penis a few times recently after both rigid and flexible cystoscopies and a nephrectomy."

"Women deal with this hell often. Amazing."

- reverendgrebo

"Had a thing once where I peed blood. Can confirm the ladies handle it better."

"That being said, the contrast of blood-red on a shiny white porcelain urinal is kind of cool looking after the shock wears off..."

- squirtloaf

The Safer Sex

Shooting Marc Rodriguez GIF Giphy

"Girls outshoot the boys, easy."

"I've seen this with shooting sports as well including small bore rifle and archery."

"Girls tend to have better concentration, better fine muscle control, listen better and take instruction better than similarly aged boys."

"They also generally take it more seriously and are safer."

- gearmantx

"Yeah I taught archery for a little while at a boys & girls club."

"The boys were generally more pumped about it, but the girls almost always picked up on it quicker and outperformed them."

"Not to undermine the boys though, I had several of them that were pretty talented in their own right, and they tended to stick with it longer than the girls."

- frightenedhugger


"I always fired expert at the range (39 out of 40). None of the guys at the unit could beat me."

"I remember walking off the range once and our XO was reading the results to us when suddenly his tone changed and said, 'and the princess scored 39!' ”

"Told y’all I had better aim than you. LOL"

- SollSister

"I had never shot a gun in my life until a couple of years ago, and I outshot both the owner of the gun, and his dad."

- strapinmotherf**ker

"I went to the rifle range with a girl I was dating who had never held a gun before. I'd been a few times, total novice, but had a modicum of experience."

"She was much, much better than I was."

"Tried again on the trap."

"She was even better with a shotgun."

"It was a scenario the instructor said he'd seen dozens of times, and he had been in the job less than two years."

- KenEarlysHonda50

The Girls Are All Ears

"Women tend to have better hearing than men and are less likely to experience hearing loss with age."

"Also, when women do experience hearing loss they tend to navigate it better: disclosing the problem and offering workarounds."

- doublestitch

"After suddenly going mostly deaf in my left ear I have heard this as well."

"I had to get a great deal of testing done, one was obviously a hearing test to determine the level of degradation. In my left ear the doctor said I was roughly a 70 year old man however in my right ear I was labelled a 13 year old girl. To which I laughed and asked what the hell that was supposed to mean."

"He quoted numerous studies concluding women are born with superior hearing abilities."

"The studies even had controls for occupation-associated hearing loss since men are more likely to work in industrial settings with consistent loud noises, which can degrade hearing over time."

"Women are just better."

- ryleyjunk

Bathroom Solidarity

"Women are better at stranger restroom support."

"We can ask a total stranger for toilet paper, hold broken doors shut for each other, and provide period supplies to other women."

"Toddlers peering under stall doors don’t freak most of us out."

"And if a woman starts to walk out with toilet paper stuck to her shoe, there will be a half dozen women trying to step on that trailing toilet paper to save that woman for embarrassment."

"One of my favorite stories relating to this is back in the 80s when a young woman walked out of an airport bathroom with the back of her skirt and slip stuck up in her pantyhose."

"I swear, a dozen random women of all ages converged on her, surrounding her so nobody could see, and a grandmotherly type said 'Honey, y’all got to pull your skirt down in the back.' ”

"Seriously, women have bathroom solidarity."

- Gen-Jinjur

I Am No Man

Lord Of The Rings I Am No Man GIF by AIDES Giphy

"Slay the Witch King."

- Oldforestwalker

"Fun Fact: MacBeth is actually why Eowyn is the one to kill the Witch King!"

"Tolkien read MacBeth and was apparently disappointed that it was a c-section loophole."

"The prophecy of Great Birnam Wood marching on Macbeth’s castle is what inspired the march of the ents to Isengard."

- gentlybeepingheart

Science Says

"From observation working in mental health- which is also backed by research- their lower testosterone makes them as a group: less impulsive, better attention, and less violent."

"In other words, more rational."

"In my work, this is why they are more likely to attempt suicide via poisoning, but less likely to complete it - they're less likely to use a gun."

"And why they're better able to resist or trying drugs because they are lower in novelty seeking and becoming addicted."

"Also- and this one is kinda my fave- they are better at having an 'average' IQ.”

"Women are clustered in the middle of the bell curve but, men are over represented at very low and very high end."

"This is my favorite because whenever I see this stat referenced, it is always by a sexist or misogynist who tries to use it as proof of men being 'smarter.' "

"Yet they, of course, ignore that it also means men are 'stupider.' That's data misrepresentation and happens a lot in these circles."

"Science: It’s not for everyone!"


Welding Wonders

"In a lot of cases women are better at welding."

"They have really good attention to detail, so much so that they look at the little tiny details of welds and metals where a man would just say 'f**k it.' "

- Quinnjamin19

"I had a friend that was a welder and pretty damn good at it, too. But she had to quit."

"The field is so heavily male dominated that when she first started working, there was no women's bathroom at her job. She would go to a nearby coffee shop and use their bathroom during her break."

"She was the only female welder at her location and got harassed daily at work. The last straw was when she found out that the male welders had a betting pool on who was gonna have sex with her first."

- idontknodudebutikno

"Female welder here."

"I finished a month earlier than my class of all men without proper fitting gloves/equipment."

"They have that now and there seems to be a lot more women in trades school for welding but it wasn’t like that at the time."

"I quit doing it after 7 years to be a general contractor after getting constant harassment at every job."

- borntolose42069

"Yes, I was told this by the workshop techs at school."

"He reckoned women have the patience more to go slower and get it done properly, rather than rushing and having holes in the weld."

- ColonelRainbow

"Im a girl and my welding instructor has always said this to me"

- Nyxie_Koi

"You guys should see the girl in my welding class!"

"Holy sh*t the girl can run the most beautiful roots with 6010. Haven’t seen anything she can’t do, yet."

"My instructor that’s a third generation machinist and worked on literal spaceships says he hasn’t seen her kind of talent in a couple decades. I don’t know what I’m talking about, but he freakin' does."

- Awkward-Review-Er

A Second Job

Music Video Work GIF by Rihanna Giphy

"They have been better at taking on more skills and responsibilities, thus doing more generally speaking as a result of The social movements and changes that Started around the 60s."

"It's like women generally were able to successfully move in to more formerly male realms of education and work, while still largely having to perform the traditional female roles as well. It's like they got a second job."

"Can we say the same of men? Did they have to perform in more arenas as a result of those changes? Did they expand themselves in more ways?"

- Lissez


"Self-preservation instinct."

"You don't scoff twice when hearing about some of your male pals about to go and drop molotovs in an abandoned mineshaft, but you'd never expect women to do it."

- GooseVast

"Women seem to be better at not offing themselves in really inane ways."

"When you hear the proverbial 'Hold my beer!' moment, you always imagine a man. Women seem better at wanting to survive."

- [Reddit]

Let Ladies Lead

"They are better national leaders."

"There are fewer wars, improved standard of living indicators, better economic performance, etc. when you look across the the global averages."

"Of course this is just an average, and there are women who do not perform as well as some men, but if we are generalizing, women are better leaders. I believe both Obama and Bush have a quote about those."

"I've also found that in a work setting, they are better managers and have higher employee satisfaction and performance."

"Again generally, I've had a bad female manager before myself. But my best 3 were all ladies. Maybe some HR pro can weigh in here on this."

"I think if we are serious about wanting to make the world a better place, we (especially men) should be pushing to put women into the highest levels of leadership in the biggest industries/companies and nations."

- Blackman2099

Apt Pupils

harry potter GIF Giphy

"I've been a math teacher for 15 years."

"Girls homework is, without a doubt, a lot lot looooooot better than the boys' homework."

"Girls are more organized, their solutions are more thoroughly explained, and they're just neater."

- BangkokGarrett

The Pain

"Pain tolerance."

"Put one of those labor simulators on a man and a woman at the same time and watch the woman not even flinch while the man is on the floor writhing at setting 4."

"Seriously, go on YouTube and find the videos. Enjoy the laugh."

- [Reddit]

Feminine Finery

"Fine motor skills and hand work."

"I worked in a factory for a summer when I was in school and when it comes to assembling items on an assembly line women and men are not even in the same league."

- [Reddit]

"Women/girls apparently have better control over small hand movements."

"A teacher of mine mentioned this to us in middle school and proved this to us after he pointed out that our class was evidence. Even something as simple as writing on a black board during our "spelling-race" - a girl would win 9/10 times (consistently)."

- StevenArviv

"Women have better attention to detail and finer skill during menial tasks - hence have always been better factory workers with fewer injuries."

- Mantzy81


"Supporting chronically ill spouses."

"If I’m remembering right, the divorce rate is something like 6x higher if the chronically ill spouse is a woman than it is if the ill spouse is a man."

"Women are just better at shouldering that extra work"

"Literally look at John Edwards, dude cheated on his wife while she was fighting cancer."

- Mixedslt4accents

Experience From Both Sides

"Women can process emotions with more range and a cooler head."

"Testosterone makes your muscles stronger/more efficient, but it messes with your emotional state. Source: a trans woman who has had experience being on the hormones of both."

"When I was on testosterone, I could feel blinding rage (and only rage) at almost anything and my emotional responses felt out of my control."

"To prevent an outburst, I had to stop the activity at the earliest sign of frustration, because if I let it mature, I’d end up throwing a controller, punching a wall, etc. even if I didn’t want to."

"On estrogen, I can take the time to process my emotions rather than acting abruptly. I can feel them when they come and choose what I want to do with them."

"I can feel more emotions - meaning I can feel sadness or disappointment at an event rather than just anger."

"I can take a breath and say 'hey, I’m not enjoying this right now, I need to take a break.' Or if someone cuts me off in traffic, I can sigh, and move on, rather than responding with a temper tantrum."

"On the flip side, I’m also physically weaker now - by a significant margin - than I was before the estrogen. That's true even though I’m more active now than I used to be."

- _Internet_Random_

Now that you've read what Reddit has to say about wonder women - it's your turn to cheer on the ladies.

What do YOU think women tend to do better than men? Tell us in the comments.

If you or someone you know is struggling, you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

To find help outside the United States, the International Association for Suicide Prevention has resources available at

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Infamous Internet Rumors That Ended Up Being True

Reddit user strakerak asked: 'What started out as an internet rumor that ended up being infamously true?'

boy playing at laptop inside room
Photo by Ludovic Toinel on Unsplash

In 2017, I returned to my office after my lunch break to hear my supervisors discussing Tom Petty. This seemed like a random topic to me until one of my supervisors told me Tom Petty had passed away. He was a huge fan of Petty and spent the next hour or so combing through the internet to get more information.

He came back into the room my other supervisor and I were working in and announced that Tom Petty wasn't dead after all. News outlets had jumped the gun to announce his death, but he was actually still alive.

The next day, I came in to find out that Tom Petty was dead; the news may have been premature, but true.

This is a classic example of the rumor being started on the internet. Sometimes, like with the news of Tom Petty's death, the rumor can run wild and appear everywhere. Other times, the rumor can be seen by just a few people and dismissed. However, a lot of times, these rumors turn out to be true.

Redditors know a lot of internet rumors that turned out to be true, and are eager to share.

It all started when Redditor strakerak asked:

"What started out as an internet rumor that ended up being infamously true?"

The King Of Pop

"Michael Jackson writing the music for Sonic 3."

"He actually did, but was never credited on the game because it would breach his contract with his record label."

– -WigglyLine-

"He did the same when he appeared on The Simpsons. He appeared under a pseudonym, and the Producers said it was an impersonator."

"Only years later they confirmed it really was Michael."

"His singing voice was actually done by an impersonator, though."

– given2fly_

The Truth Comes Out

"In 1998, US Men’s National Team captain John Harkes was shockingly cut from the team right before the World Cup. The coach claimed it was because Harkes wouldn’t fit into his new preferred formation, but rumors flew on the early internet that it was actually because he had slept with his teammate Eric Wynalda’s wife. The rumor was so well-known in soccer circles that Harkes expressly denied it in his autobiography the next year."

"Fast forward 12 years to 2010 and Wynalda admits it’s true. The coach then came out and admitted it was why he dropped Harkes, but that he’d planned to keep the secret as long as Wynalda did."

– guyfromsoccer

Video Evidence

"The Tim Burton Hansel and Gretel that aired once on halloween in the 80's."

"I heard for years that it was fake but I knew it was real because my dad recorded everything in the 80s and he recorded that. We let a good friend of ours borrow it and switch it over from VHS to DVD and soon after that it made its way on to the internet , and there it is now. I know it's our copy because the tracking in the beginning is screwed up. Still have the VHS."

– Frozenthickness

"There was a similar story with a Nickelodeon movie called Cry Baby Lane. It was supposed to be so scary that Nickelodeon got complaints and denied its existence for years. Someone uploaded a taped copy to youtube about a decade ago."

– PattiAllen

The Movie Business

"That North Korea hacked Sony Pictures because of The Interview movie."

"I worked in the movie business at the time and the account managers at Sony all basically needed to get new identities as all of their personal information got leaked online."


"My partner worked on that movie and the production bought all the crew 1 year of an identity theft tracking service."


Keep Away From The Ears Of Kids

"Some banned episodes or scenes of cartoons."

"For example, I remember there was a Dexter’s Lab cartoon where he clones evil versions of DeDe and himself and they swear like every other word (censored of course), and people debated whether it even existed cause they only aired it like once. Now it’s pretty accessible online."

– Spledidlife

Yes, It's True

"Echelon, a massive electronic espionage system by the US and allies to intercept all electronic messages, especially emails."

"In the mid-nineties it was a topic on conspiracy BBS boards. A lot of people in my bubble at the time (mainly uni students in Europe) were including fake threats to the US in the their email signatures as a way to "protest" and "fill the system with false alarms" (obviously useless)."

"Then, in 1999-2000 came out to be true and a lot of security service agencies from UK and other US allies started to admit they were part of the espionage network."

– latflickr

How The Mighty Fell

"John Edward’s love child."

– ACam574

"A reminder that he was cheating on his wife while she was hospitalized for cancer treatment."

– Fanclock314


"Carrie Fisher's heart attack. Some a**hole who was on the same flight was livetweeting the whole medical emergency and justified it by insisting she was just making sure the family was informed."

– everylastlight

It Actually Happened

"Every year around her birthday there was a rumor that Betty White died. When I heard she died, I scoffed, saying that dumb rumor is back.... then saw it on the news. I was in shock."

– Known-Committee8679

"The fact that Betty died literally right before she turned 100 is such a Betty White way to go out."

– Paganigsegg

Big Actor, Small Roles

"I distinctly remember some rumors about the reason why Bruce Willis was taking so many roles in sh*tty movies before it was announced he has dementia."

– KampferMann

"RedLetterMedia did a deep dive on his recent movie activity to try and work out why exactly he was taking part in basically scam-movies. They noticed he had an earpiece in one of the scenes and joked that the director was feeding him lines. I remember they even disclaimed over the rumours at the time, and possible made a follow-up vid when it was revealed to the public."

– CardinalCreepia

What To Do Next?

"That the writer of LOST were making it up as they went."

"Turned out to be absolutely true."

– homarjr

That last one was kind of obvious!

Do you have any to add? Let us know in the comment below.

Shocked woman covering her mouth
vaitheeswaran Nataraj/Unsplash

When we're intoxicated, or even the slightest bit tipsy from having a little too much to drink, our immediate perspective on things is hazy.

But there's nothing like a bit of alarming news or a jarring incident to snap us out of the fog and focus on the moment.

Sometimes alcohol isn't always to blame for our impairment.

It can be a state of mind, like a perpetual numbness from being complacent in life, and all it takes is one shocking moment to rattle us back to our senses.

Curious to hear from strangers online about this type of scenario, Redditor Known_Challenge_7150 asked:

"What’s one thing that sobered you up real quick?"

These individuals were witness to shocking events that sobered them up right quick.

Bleeding Out

"Got out of a taxi and found a naked man profusely bleeding from his head crawling up the driveway in my condo. Called him an ambulance completely forgot I was absolutely wasted until 45 minutes later when I'd helped him translate and in to an amublance and stepped in my front door."

"Later a few days later learned he'd slipped in the tub and literally crawled out for help. Poor dude. He was fine but I genuinely thought he was going to die there."

– DongLaiCha

Tragic News

"At a bachelor party and we got a phone call that the groom’s father had suddenly passed."

– accountnameredacted

Bottom Of The Barrel

"I went to visit my parents back in July. I was homeless and deep into fentanyl addiction so I lost a lot of weight. My folks could see it. They knew something was up. Anyway, I spent the night and I was getting ready to leave in the morning and I looked at myself in the mirror for a good long time. I finally had enough and told them everything. They took me to detox, from there I went to rehab. Graduated in August and been living with them ever since then. I have 160 days clean and sober."

– Crotch-Monster

A reality check can be enough for some people to snap out of it.

Like Father, Like Son

"Was driving a drunk friend home, he had been on a bender again and was smart enough to call me for a lift rather than try and drive. As I helped in to his house his mother came down the stairs and said 'your as drunk as your father' and went back upstairs. I haven't seen him drunk since then, he still drinks but the thought of turning into his dad scared him out of hard drinking."

– psycospaz


"Flashing blue lights."

– FiddleOfGold

"This sobered me up just thinking about it."

– redmaple_syrup

Losing Sight

"Woke up to no sight in one eye. I had cataract surgery so just thought one of the lenses had slipped and it was an easy fix. Eye doc says nope, you had a stroke. I loved soy sauce, teriyaki sauce and salty food, which caused high blood pressure, which caused retina damage. Over six months was able to get most of my eyesight back with medication, and all back within a year. Trying to navigate life with one eye was very sobering. Started taking HBP much more seriously."

– MissHibernia

Quitting The Bottle

"Looked up someone I went to highschool with who was an awesome guy. Found out he had been dead for 3 years from alcoholism, at age 33. I made an overnight change. I hadn't started drinking that night yet, 10 months ago. Haven't touched it again since."

– omgtater

These disturbing moments were enough for Redditors to immediately come to their senses.

Unplanned House Guests

"Me and a buddy Woke up in someone’s living room, realized neither one of us knew the people, they were just nice and let 2 drunk guys sleep on their living room floor. We didn’t even say goodbye."

– Oneinsevenbillion75

Serious Health Warning

"Elevated liver enzymes."

"And the knowledge that this sh** was gonna kill me and I just couldn't orphan my family over it."

"So I opted for recovery, instead."

"Clean and sober since June 5, 2009."

– Far_Meal8674

The Joyride

"Grew up in a rural area. The little town hosted dances at the hockey arena, everyone (adults and kids) went and they overserved everyone, regardless of age. I was maybe 16 or 17 and was absolutely sh*tfaced, and jumped in the back of someone's truck with about 8 other people to go back to someone's cottage for after dance drinking. The driver (still don't know who it was) started racing one of his buddies and we whipped around small dirt roads, flying around blind corners on the wrong side of the road, going god knows how fast. It was basically a disaster waiting to happen. It was crazy scary and I was sober and thankful to be alive when we finally arrived."

– foxfood9116

The human psyche is a fascinating thing, isn't it?

How we can automatically focus on something urgent at a crucial time, even after getting buzzed from drinking too much alcohol.

But as we're in the thick of the holidays, it's a good reminder to drink responsibly and stay off the roads if you drive to your celebratory destination.

Cheers. Stay safe. And happy holidays.

Woman holding multiple shopping bags
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

We've all complained or vented about something in our lives which, in the grand scheme of things, wasn't exactly a problem, or is very easily solved.

Then there are those who complain about things that others almost hope will happen to them at some point in their lives.

These are known as "first world problems", as they are problems that pretty much only the world's one percent faces.

From having to fly business class instead of first class, or being served Roederer instead of Dom Pérignon, these complaints are often met with amusement, bewilderment, or even anger.

Redditor jennimackenzie was curious to hear the most absurd "first world problems" anyone ever complained about, leading them to ask:

"What’s the most ridiculous 'first world problem' you’ve seen people get worked up over?"

"Tale As Old As Time..."

"I once knew a mom who was legitimately devastated, to the point of tears/grief, because a doctor predicted her 8 year old daughter's final height to be around 5'2","

"Which wasn't tall enough to get cast as Belle at Disney World."

"That was the child's (and her mother's) only dream in life, apparently."

"Didn't appreciate my suggestion that she could be Minnie or Mickey."


"Only a face character would do!"- TravelLovingMom

"Must Be Funny, In A Rich Man's World..."

"My boss from about a decade ago was this insanely rich dude who always went to the bank to get fresh and crisp currency."

"He'd call the bank in advance to make sure they had some on hand."

"I think he was a germaphobe."

"He had a trash can that he'd throw $1 and $5 bills in that he thought was 'dirty' and regularly just donated it vs spending it."

"I asked him why he did this and he said it was too much trouble and asked if I wanted it."

"I said f*ck yeah dumped it into my bag and when I got home it was close to $400 in singles and fives.

"Another time, he wanted to upgrade all the computers in his studio, so we went to a store and bought 10 PCs."

"They all had $150 mail in rebates and he wasn't bothered to go through the trouble of mailing them in."

"3 weeks later I received $1500 after spending a whole afternoon filling out all those goddamn forms."- azninvasion2000

Money Burn GIF by nog Giphy

Who Wore It Better?

"When I was about 19 years old, I was at my boyfriends family BBQ."

"I was wearing this pretty floral sundress."

"His cousins girlfriend showed up in the same dress and she was SO mad that she went and changed."

"I will never understand being upset when someone is wearing the same thing as you.'

"Did you really think that your shirt you bought off the rack is going to be unique to you?"

"No."- mertsey627

Seeing Red! Or Blue In This Case...

"The blue of the balloons wasn't quite the same as the bridesmaid's sashes."

"Years ago my wife and I attended a wedding."

"It was very low key."

"The dinner was in the dining hall at the university where the couple met, cinder block walls and all."

"It was a Baptist wedding - no booze and very serious."

"The dark blue balloons attempting to liven up the hall were a slightly darker shade of blue than the sashes on the bridesmaid's dresses."

"The bride lost here sh*t and absolutely raved for nearly an hour."

"I can't remember how they finally managed to talk her down."- mechant_papa

south park wedding GIF Giphy

See You In Court!

"Rich neighbors who end up in expensive court battles because they disagree about where a tree can be planted or whether the color of a fence fits in with the street’s 'amenity'."

'These disputes get really heated and rack up huge lawyers’ bills."

"The most pathetic part is after the judgement when they are arguing about who should pay the other party’s costs."

"Lots of affidavits filed citing the 'emotional distress' they had to endure, or painting themselves as brave warriors who were forced to take a stand to fight for 'justice'."

"Also lots of pompous litigants insisting that the judge refer to them by their 'Dr' title."

"An absolutely insane dumpster fire of entitled rich people problems."- ElectrocRaisin

It's Always People With Money Who Don't Want To Pay!

"I work in a public library."

"People will get so so mad if they have to be put on a wait list for a book."

"A popular book that just came out."

"Ok our services are not only free but so are the books."

"You’re welcome, a**holes."- Switchbladekitten

A Warm Butt Is A Happy Butt!

"My own."

"We have a bidet toilet seat (Fabulous! Everyone should have one!) and not only does it wash your bum and blow dry it, but the seat's heated!"

"It's shocking how much a heated toilet seat makes the whole process more agreeable."

"Except: We had a power outage and I went to use the toilet and the seat was cold!"


"This shall not stand!"

"I was really upset because it didn't feel good."

"Then I stopped and thought: This is the most first-world problem anyone's ever had."

"I was really pissed because my heiny was tepid."

"I got over it."- DeathGrover

homer simpson episode 23 GIF Giphy

Holy Matrimony!

"Weddings are a gold mine for this question."

"People get so hyped up over their 'most important day of their life'."

"They'll destroy friendships, go into debt, and have crazy expectations."

"It's not always the couple who go crazy, either."

"Sometimes, it's the parents or another family member who feels entitled to control the wedding."

"It's just a party."

"Be considerate of guests, have plenty of food and drinks, and enjoy it."- magicrowantree

When Fast Food Isn't Fast Enough...

"Having to pull off to the side to wait for a drive-thru order to be brought out to you because your food isn't ready and there's a line building up behind you."- demanbmore

In Case You Don't Think Customer Service Employees Are Undervalued...

"I was working the return desk at a Target next to a military base so I have so many stories."

"One of my favorites was a lady who had her baby shower before revealing the gender and was livid that she had received floral newborn diapers when she’s having a boy."

"It was a huge box of super expensive, all organic diapers, that we didn’t carry and therefore could not return."

"I cannot accurately express her fury and disgust."

"How dare either suggest her boy could wear feminine diapers."

"I suggested she donate them if she didn’t want to use them and she instead threw away the entire box."

"When she left we pulled it out and threw it in our donate bin."

"There have also been multiple times where mom’s order massive toys and when we bring them out to the car they get furious that they aren’t wrapped."

"We don’t offer wrapping services."

"Here’s the thing, if you don’t want your kids to see the toys you got them for Christmas or their bit to day DON'T BRING THE CHILD WHEN YOU PICK IT UP."

'I’ve had multiple women scream and curse me out that I had ruined their kids Christmas by bringing the toys they ordered out to the car like they requested."- clever-mermaid-mae

Customer Service Waiting GIF by Juno Calypso Giphy

Happiest Place On Earth!

"I used to work for Disney."

"That in itself should tell you everything."

"However for fun I'll give you two specific stories one form our tech department and one from my wife who worked bookings."

"I specifically worked for their call center to help with technical issues with magic band and the website."

"Suddenly got worse huh?"

"A right of passage call everyone has at least one story of is the 'Dome call'."

"Basically there is a subset of Disney Guest (TM) that believes if it rains at Walt Disney world there is someone that will push a button to encapsulate the whole of Disney property in a dome to keep out the rain."

"I'm not kidding."

"If this button is not pushed they call our tech department to angrily ask why."

"My wife worked booking."

"Pretty much everything including Bibbidi Bobbidi boutique and Pirate's league."

"These two things did roughly the same thing difference being price and theme."

"BBB was expensive did more and was focused on princesses, pirates league did a bit less and focused on mermaids and pirates."

"Lady called up my wife, and got pissed about BBB being booked up (It goes FAAAAST)."

"Karen: 'Im going to give the phone to my daughter and I want you to tell her how you are ruining her vacation by not letting her do BBB'."

"Wife proceeds to explain how pirate's league is so much cooler and how she can be a mermaid or pirate and basically gets the kid to start demanding to their parents about how they want to be a mermaid instead of a princess."- trollsong

Disney World GIF Giphy

The horror!

Being booked into a junior suite at Disney World instead of an executive suite!

It's almost as bad as having no money for groceries, or no food to feed you children...

Said absolutely no one.

Four mistreated baby dolls are hung by barb wire
Photo by J Lopez

For many childhood memories are overrun by living nightmares.

Yes, children are resilient, but that doesn't mean that the things we see as babes don't follow us forever.

The horrors of the world are no stranger to the young.

Redditor -2sweetcaramel- wanted to see who was willing to share about the worst things we've seen as kids, so they asked:

"What’s the creepiest thing you saw as a kid?"

Serious Danger

"Me and my best friend would explore the drainage tunnels under the Vegas area where we grew up. These were miles long and it was always really cool down there so it was a good way to escape the heat of our scorching hot summers. We went into this one that goes under the Fiesta casino and found a camp with a bunch of homeless people."

"Mind you we are like 11 years old lol. And we just kept going like it was nothing. It wasn’t scary then but when I look back at it we could have been in some serious danger. Our parents had no idea we did this or where we were and we had no cellphones. We could have been kidnapped and never have been found."


Waiting for Food

"I was at a portillos once when I was 12 and I was waiting with my little brother at a booth while my parents got our food. This guy was standing with his tray kind of watching me then after a couple of minutes he started to walk over really fast not breaking eye contact with me."

"He was 2 feet from the table and my dad came out of nowhere and scared the s**t out of him. He looked so surprised and just said he wanted to see if I’d get scared or not. He left his tray full of food near the door and left. My folks reported him but we never went to that location again since we found a better one closer to home."


Captain Hobo to the Rescue

"When I was a pretty young teen, my friends and I were horsing around in San Francisco and started hanging out to smoke with some homeless guys. Another homeless dude came up and began aggressively trying to shake us down for anything (money, smokes, a ride, drugs- all of it) and wouldn’t take no for an answer."

"We got in over our heads and could tell this guy was now riling the other 2 guys up and they were acting like they wanted to jump us. Some grandfather-looking old homeless man appeared out of nowhere and yelled at us to get the f**k out of here- nice kids like us don’t belong down here at this hour!!"

"Captain Hobo saved our lives that night. My parents sincerely thought we were at a mall all day lol."



tsunami GIF Giphy

"I was 7 and survived the 2004 tsunami in Thailand. Witnessed the wave rise way above the already massive palm trees (approx. 40ft?) and my family and I watched/heard the wave crash into the ground from a rooftop."


These Tsunami stories are just tragic.

On the Sand

Scared The Launch GIF by CTV Giphy

"We were a group of kids who went to swim in a local lake. And there was a dead body on the beach with their hands raised and their legs bent unnaturally that local police just took out of the same lake. I've never put my foot in these waters again."


Be Clever

"I was walking to school and I was about 5 or 6 years old and some guy pulled up beside me in his car and asked if I would get in. He also offered me sweets to do so. I said no. The creepy bit was when he calmly said ‘clever boy’ to me, then drove off. I’ve never even told my parents or anyone else about this as it would most likely freak them out."


Bad Jokes

"Dad's side of the family pranked me by burying a fake body on our back property and had me dig it up to find valuables. Was only allowed to use a lantern for light. They stuffed old clothes with chicken bones. Sheetrock mud where the head was... Random fake jewelry as the treasures... I was like maybe 10 or 11.. I remember digging up the boot first and started gagging because it became real at that point."



Who Are You Reaction GIF by MOODMAN Giphy

"Woke up to find my little brother staring at me in the dark, asking, Are you really you?"


Siblings can really be a bunch of creepers.

No one should talk to others in the dark though.