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There are jobs that our psyche can't deal with for very long.

Sometimes you take a job because you like to eat.

You want a place to live.

Sure, it may not be in the wheelhouse of your educational degree... but you have to eat.

But everyone does begin to reach the point of... I'm over it.

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Throw a little caution to the wind!

Take a risk and see what happens.

I hate all that advice because it's easy to give when it's not you facing the consequences.

Consequences should always be part of the decision-making process.

You can't escape them.

Redditor HabitualRot wanted to hear about the times people just gave in and hoped for the best. They asked:

"What was your "f**k it I'll deal with the consequences later" moment?"
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People Break Down The Bullsh*t They're Just Tired Of
JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

With so many stresses spiking our anxiety levels in our current climate, it's a challenge trying to pick our battles.

Ultimately, letting things slide and not sweating the small stuff are good places to start so we can get a good night's sleep.

But there are just some things that we can't stop fixating on, and it's mentally taxing.

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People Break Down The Biggest Societal Pressures Men Face
Photo by Alex Vámos on Unsplash

The problem with men is that they never seem to want to discuss their issues.

We're emerging from generations of society and culture that have indoctrinated men to believe that sharing vulnerability and problems were a weakness.

And it's time to talk about it.

Speak up guys, we're listening.

Redditor Tabocuspokus wanted to hear from the boys about life's issues, so they asked:

"What are problems in modern society, that put social pressure on boys and men? And what can women do about it?"
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Insomniacs Explain Which Things Keep Them Awake At Night
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Sleep is hard. Even folks who don't consistently deal with insomnia have the occasional sleepless night. Whether it's from excitement, anxiety, or your brain just refusing to shut off, sleepless nights usually suck.

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