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Man in knit cap looking sad
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Even in this supposedly progressive modern age, far too many men feel self-conscious about the natural act of crying.

Feeling that it's not a manly thing to do, even though many would argue that it takes a real man not to be afraid to tear up publicly.

Of course, even the most unabashedly masculine men don't have complete control over their emotions and find their eyes watering unexpectedly every now and then.

Sometimes giving in to grief, sometimes overcome with joy, and sometimes simply owing to a corny commercial for coffee.

Sometimes this happens when nobody's around. Other men aren't so lucky.

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People Break Down The Most Shocking Confessions From Someone They Barely Know
Photo by Nachristos on Unsplash

When you're just starting to get to know someone, there are number of typical "icebreaker" conversations people tend to use to get to know one another.

Favorite films, books and tv shows, recent travel, hobbies, all shared in the hope of finding common interests.

If things seem to be going well, people often begin to get comfortable enough to move past the generic questions and begin to get more personal.

Which can prove to be a risky endeavor, as some intimate information might end up being revealed, which the receiving party wasn't quite ready to hear.

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People Confess Which Things They'd Like To Tell Their Partner Without Upsetting Them
Adi Goldstein/Unsplash

The key to any successful relationship is communication.

The ability to be open and receptive to what a significant other has to say, as well as the ability to be able to convey something weighing on one's mind, can be healing.

But depending on the circumstance, some things are better left unsaid.

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Therapists Explain Which 'Weird Confessions' Many Patients Are Afraid To Share That're Actually Quite Normal
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

There is no shame.

That is rule number one when in therapy.

We all share more in common mentally than we care to admit.

So don't be afraid of your truth.

A therapist can't help if you're too weirded out to talk it out.

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Cops Recount The Saddest Thing A Criminal Has Ever Said To Them
Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

With more and more unfortunate stories about misconduct in the news, there is an understandably low opinion of police officers in the United States.

Though we should always remember that the corrupt or ill-suited cops we read about in the news do not represent all police officers.

For law enforcement is by all means necessary, and can be an extremely taxing job, both physically and emotionally.

With many police officers coming in contact with people who have gone through experiences no one deserves to go through.

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