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Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Something all too easily forgotten in this world of unrealistic, not to mention unhealthy, standards regarding beauty and physical appearance.

Making it all the more upsetting that there are still people in this world who actually feel the need to call people "ugly" right to their faces.

Luckily, those on the receiving end of that unnecessary bullying often have enough self-worth that they have just the right response should such an unfortunate situation arise.

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People Divulge The Cruelest Thing Someone's Ever Said To Them
Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

It is a universally acknowledged truth that kids are master minds of cruelty. They have a sixth sense which allows them to pinpoint the source of insecurity in another human, craft a statement that is as cruel as it is creative, and launch the insult with cold and distant absence of guilt whatsoever.

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Hurt people hurt people. But because you're a hurt person doesn't mean you have to take it out on the rest of us. Sorry, but if you come for me, I'm coming for you. Most bullies will retreat once you let them know.... your wrath is to be feared.

Redditor u/VinceDeezer wanted to hear some stories about taking down the coward that is Goliath by asking.... People of reddit, what was your revenge on a bully?

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Being a kid is rough. Sometimes you can't breathe the air around you without someone making fun of you for it.

What can make you a target is unpredictable. I was once made fun of for "having a face." Another kid was a target for watching anime. It just takes a little impetus from some jerk and all of a sudden it feels like the entire school is laughing at you.

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Bullies are people too. It's difficult to acknowledge that, for sure. When you're the tormented person you don't care, nor do you have to care about why the person torturing you is doing it. The black and white answer is that they have no right, no matter how much pain the are in. But it is nice when down the road people recognize the error of their ways and even make atonement.

Redditor u/MrCleanisagodlybeing wanted the reformed bullies out there to share by asking.... Ex Bullies of reddit, what's your side of the story?

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