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Students sitting in an assembly
Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash

Everyone looks back on their high school experience differently.

Some wish they could relive it all over again, while others are more than happy to put it all behind them and seldom, if ever, look back on it.

Of course, no matter if they look back on high school with pleasure or disdain, everyone has a few memories of their classmates.

Particularly the one who always seemed to be getting into trouble.

Constantly landing themselves in detention and, in more severe cases, landing themself in trouble with the authorities.

Some of these students thankfully grew out of their bullying days and have grown and learned to treat others with respect and kindness. Others were not so lucky, and still found themselves getting into trouble long after their school days were over.

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People Who Fought Back Against Bullies Share Their Experiences
Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

Everyone in life has a bully or six to face.

Even the bullies have bullies.

And sometimes the bully is in the mirror.

Now I know we're supposed to only use our words when standing up to our bullies.

But that is not always the most ideal form of defense.

Words can work.

Sometimes words can cut like knives leading us to victory.

And sometimes words aren't sufficient as we've learned from Reddit.

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Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Something all too easily forgotten in this world of unrealistic, not to mention unhealthy, standards regarding beauty and physical appearance.

Making it all the more upsetting that there are still people in this world who actually feel the need to call people "ugly" right to their faces.

Luckily, those on the receiving end of that unnecessary bullying often have enough self-worth that they have just the right response should such an unfortunate situation arise.

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People Share Why They Were Bullied When They Were Younger
Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

Kids can really be cruel. Why is that? Simple answer, because adults don't know any better. Bullying is a learned behavior and it's time for parents to step up.

As much as we discuss bullying out in the open nowadays, it still seems like an enormous amount of kids are suffering.

We definitely have social media to thank for that. Too many people have access to easy ways to spew their hate and vitriol.

Let's hear some stories...

RedditorFarSheepherder3880wanted to hear from the survivors of bullies, they asked:

"What did you get bullied for?"
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People Describe The Most Ridiculous Thing They Were Ever Bullied About
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Bullies suck! Why so you have to be cruel? What do you gain from it? At any age, trying to crush another person is so wrong. And coming from someone who was relentlessly bullied, I know of which I speak. So much of the time it feels like ALL the bullies in life seem to pounce for no concrete rhyme or reason. Not that there is ever a good reason to bully, but more often than not, they leave us with a big ole "WHY?" And some inflictions seem really dumb.

Please explain...

Redditoru/likeistoleyourbikewanted to discuss the people who decided to make everyone's lives more difficult, but in odd ways, by asking:

What's the most ridiculous thing you were bullied over and what prompted the bullying?
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