People Divulge The Last Thing Someone Said To Them Before They Passed Away

People Divulge The Last Thing Someone Said To Them Before They Passed Away
Image by Susanne Pälmer from Pixabay

If you've lost someone close to you, you understand rethinking and remembering everything that person said to you. When my dad died, one of the last things he said to me was “be an artist". Those words became so important to me that I had them tattooed on my body. It goes to show that final words can make a huge impact.

You never forget the last thing someone says to you before they pass away. Here are a few instances of this, straight from the people of Reddit.

U/charcoalritual asked:

What's the last thing someone said to you before they died?

​When you realize that your loved one is close to the end, their final words can be truly poignant and heartbreaking.


"Bye [my name]."

"It was my big brother, he was in late stage terminal cancer. He passed at home the following night/morning."


She definitely had a wonderful grandson.

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"My grandma told me she loved me and how I saved her life by buying her that cordless phone (90s) because she was just laying on the bathroom floor, but she carried it with her like I told her and was able to call for help."

"She had crocheted a bag for it. She was in the end stages of cancer and I was driving up 4 hours every weekend to stay with her. I'd bought the phone a few weekends before and told her to take it with her. She'd never had a cordless phone so it was a big deal for her. She religiously kept it charged and on her when she got up."

"She told me she'd see me that weekend. She died that night."



"My mother was at the end stage of Leukemia. I called her to see how she was doing. She was pumped full of morphine and close to the end. She told me she loved me and we hung up the phone. My dad called not too long after and said she was near the end and I needed to get on a flight immediately. I caught the next flight out to see her before she passed away."

"My uncle picked me up from the airport and informed me she had died while I was on the plane."


​Sometimes, it’s the unexpected last words can be truly haunting.

​They were both right.

"You don't have to visit me everyday, I'll leave hospital in two days anyway" My father said. I replied I'd still visit next day as I love him. In the end we both were right, sadly."

"He died 25 hours after that talk. So I visited his dead body next day, and he was transported out of hospital two days after we talked. I think this exchange will stick forever in my mind."


This is why you should always treat people with kindness.

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"See you tomorrow." My father on the phone. I found him dead in his house the next day. Fell, cracked his head open.


This is the type of sh*t people go through and strangers, don't even realize what a person has endured in life. Treat people right, lots of people have had many traumatic experiences already, or endured a lot of bad events in life.


An unexpected tragedy.

"'Oh it's fine, just a bump to the head. I'll take a painkiller and have a nap. Love you' My mom died of a brain hemorrhage 5 hours later."


​Steve sounded like a fun guy.

"A man who helped raise me died about two days after I saw him last."

"Our final interaction was him telling the most embarrassing story about me to my new girlfriend. Thanks Steve."


"It's what he would have wanted to end on."


​These things stick with you for a very long time after you lose a loved one.

This one is painful.

season 1 love GIF by ManifestGiphy

"The last words I had with my late husband before he went in for surgery:"

Me: "Love you"
Him: "Love you more"


Tearing up reading this.

"I''m sorry we didn't talk as much as you wanted...' My grandpa's last words..."


​So sad.

"My grandpa, on the phone."

"I wish we could've met".

"He lived in New Zealand, I live in Australia. I had met him, many times. Tore me up inside that it had been so long since I'd visited him that he'd forgotten me."


Let this be a reminder to keep your loved ones closer, and show gratitude for them every day. Life is unpredictable, and you never know when you'll lose them.

Give them a hug next time you see them, and remember to tell them you love them.

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