Doctors Share The Weirdest Facts About The Human Body

Doctors Share The Weirdest Facts About The Human Body
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

When you're in the market for a slew of very specific facts that all fall under the same general theme, the internet really delivers.

Forget streamlined public health capabilities and revolutionized human communication, the true beauty of the internet is all the random, barely useful information you can find when a bunch odd people decide to assemble and swap info.

A recent Reddit thread centered around one theme in particular: the weirdest things about the human body.

Doctors were asked to weigh in, but unsurprisingly most of the contributors were non-doctors who read something weird one time.

But that was probably a blessing for the thread. After all, some of these bizarre facts are real doozies.

bitictac asked, "Doctors of reddit, what’s the weirdest/grossest fact about the human body that no one seems to know?"

Homemade Tarantula 

"Dental student here. Black hairy tongue is a common condition and it's exactly what it sounds like."

"It's just caused by buildup of dead skin that becomes hair like because of tobacco use or antibiotic use. Usually combined with lack of frictional forces from brushing"

-- Alarm-Potential

Load Em Up 

"When a patient gets a kidney transplant, they usually leave the old 2 behind unless there's a significant problem with them."

"The extra kidney is just tucked in the peritoneum leaving the patient with 3 kidneys."

-- MedicalJargon-itis

Come On Mutations!

"Every single melanocyte on your skin (you know, the ones that give your hairs color, and your skin its skin color) is connected to your sympathetic nervous system via modified synapses."

"No-one knows why they're connected that way - but we do know that under stress, those nerves nuke the pool of stem cells that create hair pigment, which is why it makes you go grey."

"A few mutations and you could theoretically be able to control them and change color like a chameleon."

"So in many ways, we're basically walking cuttlefish."

-- PavlovaPalava

Play the Long Game, People 

"Humans can outpace any animal on the planet."

"No, we're not the fastest, but if we were chasing the fastest animal (cheetah) we would catch it and be able to keep going."

-- Bout3Fidy

Little Helpful Critters 

"There are little microscopic organisms living in your eyebrows, eating away at the dead skin."

"Don't freak out, they are very helpful and completely harmless, just a little gross"

-- Vid-Me-BossCheesburg

Thankfully That Filter is a Pretty Good One 

"Saliva is filtered blood. Your tears are too. And if you're too stressed out you can cry blood."

-- mylifeisathrowaway10

Imagine It All in a Bottle 

"I know that the average human churns out between 1 and 2 liters of saliva every day.... oh and we have parasites who are embedded in our hair follicles, and they eat away at our skin, thus causing Dandruff :,)"

-- Throwawayyy123451

So Hot 

"Humans give off so much body heat that in 30 min we can boil a gallon of water" -- Financial-Ad-6050

"Rookie numbers" -- nopenothappening

"Pshh I can get a gallon of water boiling in like 10 minutes tops" -- ridiculouslygay

Oh Dear 

"Old ladies often have prolapse of their pelvic organs. This means their vaginal walls got so weak that it can no longer support their bladder or uterus."

-Nurse practitioner"

-- vespertinas

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