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People Break Down What Absolutely Ruins A Good Burger For Them
Photo by Peter Dawn on Unsplash

Most people love a good burger, and many, many American restaurants serve them, but not all burgers are created equal.

Super tall burgers that are hard to eat, way too much sauce (or only a tiny bit of sauce on the middle of the bun), soggy lettuce — there are lots of ways to ruin a burger.

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hamburger with vegetables and meat beside French fries
Photo by Haseeb Jamil on Unsplash

While it's important to eat healthy, it's not uncommon to sometimes crave something greasy and fattening.

Since everything is good in moderation, it's not a bad thing to want a meal of burgers, fries, and a milkshake. However, it is important to find out where to get the best.

There are countless fast food restaurants in the world. There are about seven located two minutes from my house! That's why it's no surprise that everyone has a different opinion on which place is the best.

Redditors have differing opinions on what the "right answer" is, and they're ready to share.

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People Break Down The Worst Fast Food Chains
Ashley Green on Unsplash

Healthy, well-balanced fare it is not, but there's no denying people across the globe love fast food.

Not all chains come even close to living up to their own hype though.

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Cooking a really great meal doesn't have to be complicated. Sure, binge-watching Chopped has us all convinced we need vaccuum sealers, ice cream machines and an anti-griddle, but some of the best recipes in the world are actually just a few really good ingredients put together simply. Like guacamole! Yeah, you can get fancy on it but a classic recipe really only calls for avocado, tomato, onion, salt and lime juice. It's so simple that it's almost impossible to screw it up.


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