People Describe The Most Disturbing Movie They've Ever Come Across

People Describe The Most Disturbing Movie They've Ever Come Across

Feel-good dramas and hysterical comedies can leave an indelible impression on audiences and make them want to come back for multiple viewings.

The films with inspiring storylines, brilliant cinematography, or Oscar-worthy performances are the most memorable.

But there are films that have the opposite effect on moviegoers, making them wish they never saw them in the first place, despite critical acclaim in their respective genres.

Curious to hear some of the more negative moviegoing experiences, Redditor Outrageous-Abies8391 asked:

"What is the most disturbing movie you've ever come across ?"

The atrocities of war are dramatically represented in some of the most powerful films.

WWI Soldier

"Johnny Got His Gun, saw it in early ‘70’s, still can’t forget it."

– vousoir

Depiction Of Nuclear Winter

"Threads (1984) is by far the scariest movie I've ever seen. It shows the events of a nuclear war breaking out, and the chilling aftermath. There's no hope and no happy ending, truly terrifying stuff."

– LuxGang

A Devastating Letter

"The answer to this and all questions like it is always 'dear zachery…' I cant unsee that rage from the grandfather. Its maybe 30secs and it's stayed with me longer than anything I've ever seen in a movie. Want real proof that a good, loving person WISHES he had murdered someone in calculating, cold blood? Got your movie for you."

– Goldbera1

Parents' Worst Nightmare

"Netflix documentary Abducted in Plain Sight. Movie synopsis: WTF, really!?"

– Upper-Job5130

Real-life horrors make for even greater disturbing cinematic experiences.

Trapped In Delusion

"Requiem for a Dream. It's one of those you can really only watch once."

– MichaelScottssmug

They're called horror movies for a reason.


"The first Hostel movie really got to me. Not sure if I was just unprepared or what, but that movie disturbed me more than I expected."

– TimeclockTurtle

It's Banned In Many Countries

A Serbian Film

"Came to say this. There were scenes that I wish I could scrub from my memory."

– evmt95

"I own this one and honestly it's just sort of shock value for the most part. Ironically because the cinematography is relatively professional it makes some of the scenes somewhat goofy for their disturbing content."

"The actual content itself is pretty f'ked but somehow because it's well made I didn't really feel as disturbed as I should have. Films like Cannibal Holocaust, Irreversible, Antichrist, and although I haven't seen them Audition and Martyrs, those films make you feel sickly and carry a heavy weight of knowledge with viewing them."

"A Serbian film is the transformers of the disturbing film genre, there's alot that goes on but it's mostly shock value and well put together production value. I've seen A Serbian film 4 different times."

– aFan0Film

Vomit Gore

Slaughtered Vomit Dolls

'If you need a movie to have some form of a linear story, don’t bother with this one. If you are tired of seeing women constantly berated and insulted and shown as weak and scared, don’t bother with this one. And if vomit isn’t your thing, yeah, definitely don’t bother with this one.' -

"Yeah, might give it a pass."

– Painting_Agency

Mad scientists coming up with the most twisted experiments is the premise in these revolting flicks.

Enough Said

"The human centipede."

– nuttynutz00-D

"I have not seen that, so can't really answer. The worst part of Human Centipede for me was the bodily claustrophobia and psychological horror, not the visible gore. There are only two films I have ever seen that I wanted to walk out of: that and Lars von Trier's Antichrist."

– ipakookapi

Obsession With A Walrus


– ChuyImposter

"Agreed ! f'king made me feel so uncomfortable soo weird!"

– snakeysauce

The movies that disturbed me most were, as mentioned above, Tusk and Human Centipede.

I could have stopped watching them as soon as I got sick to my stomach. But as a completionist, I voluntarily subjected to torturing myself.​

If you are faint of heart, I strongly suggest you avoid these films. You've been warned.

Teacher standing in front of a classroom
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

It's a teacher's job to leave a lasting impression and set a good example for their students.

With this in mind, particularly in this age of viral videos and social media, teachers have to be very careful of what they say during class hours.

Even so, there are very few teachers who haven't said something they've regretted when teaching a class.

Sometimes to control unruly students, other times when they've simply had enough.

Then too, sometimes teachers leave their students baffled and perplexed by what they say in their classroom, well aware of what they were saying.

Always making for a memorable story.

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