Women Share Their Worst Pickup Lines

Pickup lines: sometimes they work because of how truly lame they are. Others, however, are sheer perfection. But we have to credit creativity either way,

IO_Exception_e asked girls of Reddit: What's your worst pickup lines?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

10. A mood.

"Please f*ck me, I'm lonely and desperate."


9. Is it really that easy?

A girl approached me one time and just said "Hey I like your hat!"

I wasn't wearing a hat, but I instinctively reached for my head like wtf am I wearing a hat?

She called me a dumbass and I took her home later that night then we dated for almost a year.


8. This sticks with you.

"You must be a box of BD pen needles, because you are ULTRA fine!"

Yes, I work in pharmacy. Yes, I have said this to my husband. He rolls his eyes at me pretty hard.


This could also work for a type one diabetic talking with another type one diabetic.


7. Jeez.

My gag reflex is as absent as my father figure.


Let's go to my place and play Barbie. You be Ken, and I'll be the box you come in.

(I'm a dude, sorry)


Let's go to my place and play Barbie. You be Ken, and I'll be the box you come in

We can't have sex anymore I'll be laughing too much.


6. Winner.

Licks finger and run it down the middle of the persons face from forehead to chin "Is this seat taken?"

It's so incredibly awful it's hilarious but for real don't lick your finger and touch someone because that's much more disgusting than the accompanying line.


My niece complained to my step-sister when she was being told to change her inappropriate clothes "That's no fair! You let Greg (her brother) go around with a hat that says 'Free Mustache Rides'!"

My Step sister was not too with-it: "what's wrong with that?"

Niece: "Think about it, mom? How do you sit for a mustache ride?"


5. *Gasp*

"Can you hold something for me" I say sure, what? "My hand."


I tried something similar once. I asked a girl if she would hold something while I went out for a walk. She said what? So, I held out my hand.

It worked, but not long term.


4. What's the wager?

"I bet your balls are as cute as mine."


I was gonna say I'd go out with anyone after any of these previous pickup lines... and then I read this one.


3. Savage.

I was a cocktail waitress, and as I was leaning over a gentleman to put the drinks on the table, he said "Ooooh girl, you smell nice! What is it you're wearing?!?"

"Soap! You should try it, sometime!"

The rest of his friends at the table tipped me quite well.


2. Another winner.

Is your name Little Caesar's? Because you're hot and I'm ready.


I'm using this




1. Man hands?

My favorite one lately is "Hey there. You've got great hands. They look like they'd open jars really well.


This would work on me. I am very proud of my jar opening abilities. I'd be all, 'yeah baby, you got any jars at your place you need me to open?'


Damn, I'm a very small woman who often needs help opening jars and reaching things on medium to tall shelves.

This is dirty talk that would absolutely work on me.


People Born Before 1990 Share Skills They Have That No One Uses Anymore

"Reddit user motivetodayy asked: 'People born before 1990, what trivial skill do you possess that no one uses anymore?'"

Ahh... life before the 90's.

The talents and skills lost.

There were ticket takers at the cinema.

When buying concert tickets, there was a human you stood in line to meet at 10AM on a Saturday morning.

You had to purchase tokens, not Metrocards in NYC to ride transit.

So much change.

Who can keep up?

Who will remember?

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