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Twins Reveal Their Most Embarrassing 'Twin Moment' Stories

Twins Reveal Their Most Embarrassing 'Twin Moment' Stories
James Woodson/Getty Images

Being a twin means you don't come into the world alone. From birth to the end of time, there's always going to be someone who was not only born at the same time as you, but will most of the time look like you. Because of this intrinsic link, it means you'll spend the rest of your life having "moments" no one else alive can understand...unless they, too, are a twin.

Reddit user, u/mazimai, wanted twins to take a turn and speak up when they asked:

Twins of reddit, what's your embarrassing story involving your twins partner?

Who Did You Think You Saw?

Was going down an escalator at a casino. Look across and see my brother! Get the excites and yell HEY BRO! Start waving for his attention!

Was waving to myself in a mirror.


The Link Is Stronger With Witchcraft


My mom is an identical twin. She and her sister were always dressed alike and hated it so one year for Halloween my grandpa took my mom costume shopping and my grandma took my aunt. When they got home they were so excited to show each other their costumes, but when they came out of their room they were wearing the same thing.


Getting All The Credit You Don't Deserve

My ex was once scrolling through FB and said 'you look really hot in this photo'.

It wasn't me.


Problems Arise When You Both Have The Same Dislikes

My sisters are twins. Their favorite story is when one of their boyfriend's tries to show the wrong twin this weird mole on his butt cheek. Both Sisters are extremely squeamish. So boyfriend thought it was just her being grossed out.

Unfortunately, my dad walked in on him chasing the wrong twin around the kitchen with half of his butt hanging out. My dad just turned around and walked out.

That boyfriend also had a thing for eating raw vegetables like onions, garlic, and potatoes.


No, Not You. Her.

Not embarrassing, but my twin sister is dating a guy that friend zoned me.

I really liked this one guy. Super nice and funny and smart and he was pretty cute too. I confessed that I liked him and got friend zoned. It stun and he stopped talking to me after that, which totally sucked.

A month later or so my sister told me about the same guy and how they both liked it each other. I was pretty sad about it, not gonna lie, but they've been dating for almost 3 months now and they're a cute couple.

It does sting when she tells me how great they're doing and how he is always at our house, but she's happy, so it's okay.


Equally Prone To Accidents

Dad's friend is a twin. Lives in Chicago. His twin brother lives in Boston.

On the same day, both twins fell off a ladder and broke the same leg.


They Both Never Skip Squat Day

I was with my twin brother at the supermarket this one time, and judging from this story I'm guessing that obviously we look the same from the back, but not exactly the front because I'm a female.

My brother's girlfriend was shopping at the same store as us that day and comes up behind me and smacks my bottom saying "Hey love" jokingly I turn around and say it back. The look on her face made me regret what I did....


When Clearly Got The Better Genetics


Saw my identical male twin naked in high school. His wiener is much larger than homo but we even compared them once and his was definitely larger. Any other twins have this problem?


I Guess Everyone Handles Grief In Their Own Way?

My twin brother died in a car wreck and my family suggested that I should date his girlfriend because...grief, I guess?



The Ultimate Twin-Up!

This story is so prime and I'm so excited to tell it.

I used to do musicals. Like singing dancing musicals.

My brother came to a performance and was at the greeting line afterwards. He goes up to the lead actress in the show as says "great job, congrats, what a show" to which she responds "oh I wasn't in the show actually it was my twin sister. But you were fantastic" To which my twin brother says "I wasn't in the show either"

And that's when the actual lead actress and I walk up wondering why they both look so damn confused.

I've been laughing about it for years


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