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Companies That Shamelessly Make Terrible Products

Reddit user ricinonthecake asked: 'what companies shamelessly make sh*t products, year after year?'

Be it for clothes, household appliances, or food, sometimes you know you can be one hundred percent confident with certain brands or companies when shopping that you will be getting a quality product.

Unfortunately, this goes both ways.

Some companies have a reputation for exclusively selling and manufacturing low-quality products.

One would think that these companies might reflect on poor sales and bad customer feedback, and attempt to improve their brand with each passing year.

Unfortunately, even if they still get items on the shelf, reviews on Amazon and elsewhere still seem to remain at two stars or less.

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People Divulge Which Professions They Have Absolutely No Respect For
Image by rickey123 from Pixabay

Some choice of people's "careers" can be baffling? I've lost track on how many times over the last decade I've said... "that's a job?" It feels like people are just making stuff up as a joke, and then someone decides to give them money for it and then BAM, you've struck gold!

The things people can get paid for, legally, has quadrupled in recent times, so maybe that extended unemployment wasn't necessary. But just because you're getting paid, doesn't mean it's a job or career one should really be thrilled of. Not to shame anyone or be a Debbie Downer, sometimes you just get lucky, and some coin is there for you.

Redditor u/Neil_Murphy wanted to discuss people's career choices, by asking:

What profession do you have the least respect for and why?
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People Break Down Which Useless Skills They Totally Excel At
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

I can do many things. Things that are astonishing and mean nothing. Like so many of us we all harbor skills and abilities that others wish to be experts in but... they're mostly useless.

I can balance and catch ten quarters off of my elbow and then catch them when I throw my arm down. Someone call Guinness, and not the beer.

I promise there is no reason to put that on a resume. But don't ignore special skills, because they are perfect to be the life of the party. And being the life of the party is a skill.

Redditor u/dawnsic wanted to hear about everybody's hidden talents that may (but probably won't) change the world, by asking:

What useless thing do you excel at?
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I love movies. And as a writer I love characters even more. That's why it drives me up a wall when a film has a character, specifically a villain that serves no purpose or development or story. Every second given to a character we don't need takes away from the reasons we're all watching to begin with. Sometimes the villain is within, or it's existential. Save money on casting.

Redditor u/syngedsyringe wanted to discuss which films have an overload of characters by asking... What movie has an unnecessary conflict or villain?
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As kids, we spent about 8 hours every day in school for 10 months of each year. Not surprisingly, a few useless lessons made their way into the curriculum.

Well, maybe more than a few.

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