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A black and white photo of two wooden toys, one strangling the other
Photo by Charl Folscher on Unsplash

I've always let go of people too late.

Because I ignore the warning signs.

Half of the time I can sense something off and I choose to get closer because... "that'll fix the problem."

Not all friendships are meant to last forever.

That can be a difficult truth to hold.

People grow apart or become evil.

You just have to pray they don't come back with blackmail.

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People Confess The Craziest Secrets They Know About Their Friends
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Friends share secrets and lies.

But there are only so many secrets that one person or group can keep.

It's the messier stuff you hope you stay hidden.

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People Explain Which Massive Scandals Most Folks Seem To Have Completely Forgotten

The good thing about that embarrassing secret only a handful of people knew about you getting out in school is that it quickly becomes old news.

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People Break Down The Exact Point At Which Cheating On Your Partner Begins
freestocks on Unsplash

In this day and age of sexual freedom and experimentation, why would you cheat?

It makes absolutely no sense.

Unless, the act itself is part of the fun.

No matter your decision, let's pinpoint the moment we know we're heading down that path.

Everybody can name the times you feel it in your gut.

You know it's crossed a line.

Now what?

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People Who Broke Up With Their Fiancé Divulge Why They Called It Off
Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Love is a tricky mistress.

Especially when you have a mistress.

Making that choice to be with someone forever is not a game.

That is why you have a preparation period.

The engagement?

That is the time when things get real.

Redditor qquackie wanted to hear about the times when people knew "goodbye" was the right answer. They asked:

"Redditors who broke up with their fiancés, what made you go from wanting to spend the rest of your life with them to not wanting to be with them at all?"
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