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People Divulge Whether Or Not They'd Date A Porn Star

Reddit user Throwaway4561947373 asked: 'Would you ever date a porn star? Why or why not?'

Sex work is work. Honest work.

It feels like the opinion on this issue is slowly turning.

So that opens us all to a lot of progress.

But is it progress in every area of life?

Let's discuss porn stars.

We support them. We support their work.

But would we accept one in the family?

Would any of us enter into a romance with one?

Or someone akin to them?

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kids, teens, and college students all find unique ways of making money or obtaining "contraband" items in schools.

A relative of mine ran a gambling ring in junior high, for example, and that was how they (and so many of their classmates) obtained all the candy and chocolates they could stuff their faces with. This same relative has since paid for their black market wits with numerous visits to the dentist over the years.

You win some, you lose some, right?

People were all too eager to share after Redditor Alice_exists asked the online community,

"What was the "black market" at your school?"
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Washing windows for work is the closest a person can get to professionally becoming "a fly on the wall." Those guys must see everything.

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People Share The Worst NSFW Things That Have Popped Up On Their Computer During A Presentation
Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

It's a literal stress dream. You're giving an important work or school presentation when all of a sudden that porn you forgot to x out the night before starts playing, loudly.

Or else a picture that nobody else was intended to see. How did that get up there when you've worked really hard to keep it under wraps?

The world didn't need to know that about you.

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