People Describe The Scariest Thing They've Ever Witnessed In A National Park

I'm going to be perfectly honest–I'm a city boy. I'm not a huge fan of hiking or camping. I happen to be a huge fan of running water. Have you heard of it? It's great. Highly recommended.

I admit, I do want to go and explore some national parks sometime. They're big, they're beautiful, and the United States is full of amazing swaths of gorgeous, federally protected land.

But going out there would mean dealing with nature and stuff I don't want anything to do with... to say nothing of the potential for creepy things to happen.

People shared their stories after Redditor DamageAcceptable1880 asked the online community,

"What's the scariest or strangest thing you've seen in a National Park or National Forest?"

"Several years later..."

"Once I was driving into Yosemite at 4 a.m., saw something in the road as I came around a corner, and slammed on my brakes. It turned out to be a wolf."

"Several years later, I mentioned this to someone offhand, and they said Yosemite didn't have any wolves. I looked it up, and they have exactly one wolf in the park."

"I realized I nearly plowed through Yosemite's one single wolf. I am very glad I managed not to."


Something tells me that if you had done so you would have awakened a centuries old curse or something.

"One time I went up Yosemite..."

"One time I went up Yosemite with my cousin during a light rain and enjoyed the snow with my family. On the way down, on the same road we took up, there was a GIANT boulder in the middle of one of the now-closed lanes."

"It was about 1.5 times the size of the average vehicle. Now that was some scary s**t."


Imagine if it had fallen on you!

Or... perhaps not. Let's not imagine that.

"It stayed still..."

"Saw a toad that looked like it weighed 10 pounds. Illogically huge. It stayed still and just looked at me. I just carefully went on my way in silence. Over the night I could hear it off in the distance from my tent."


This had to have been a wild Pokemon in the flesh. I am convinced!

"A pair of female cops..."

"A pair of female cops fishing in a pond with a grappling hook on a line trying to drag in an arm that was sticking out of the murk."


Yep, best to just forget what you've seen and keep on moving.

"We haven't been back to that spot."

"My friend and I would go camping pretty often near a pond and a big clearing that pretty much nobody knew about. We had never seen signs of anyone else being there and it's hard to get to. it is on the edge of a national park/forrest in California."

"One morning when we pull the truck up to the area we parked before the hike in we see two mountain lions having sex. That alone was enough for us to just call the trip a loss and turn back but we decided to stick around for a bit to watch the lions.

"They finished up their business pretty quickly and kind of just hung around the area so it was cool to see them. After about 10 minutes they perk up and are on alert. We have the windows up obviously so we can't hear anything."

"They get scared and run off and from the direction they ran away from 3 deer come running htrough with a big ass bear chasing them."

"We havent been back to that spot."


Aww, so you're saying you didn't want to go camping in an area where several different types of wild creatures could spy on your every move?

"Scariest was a group of tourists..."

"Scariest was a group of tourists (I'm guessing) at the Hoh Rainforest in the Olympic National Park who thought it was a good idea to take pictures posing with huge elk."

"Some people were even making their kids go over and pose with these wild animals. I'm pretty sure it was during the elk mating season too."

"We and other people shouted at them to not get close to the elk but they didn't listen us. Luckily nothing happened."


There are some people out there who think that when they are on vacation, the world only exists for their entertainment.


"Raccoons. They get up to all kinds of shit in the middle of the night. It's not quite so adorable when they're trying to break into your car and steal your bacon."


Raccoons are bad enough in a big city. I definitely wouldn't want to deal with them out in the wild.

"I carefully walked away..."

"I saw a large, deep, rectangular pit in the middle of a national forest. It looked like someone was about to be buried. I carefully walked away as quietly as I could, afraid I'd fall into a different pit with a body in it."

"The mind can play some mean tricks on a person."


This sounds like the beginning of a horror film. And you got out!

"Hiking a narrow trail..."

"Scariest thing? A chipmunk."

"Hiking a narrow trail cut into the side of a ridge in Ventana National Forest California. In the middle of the trail was a mangy chipmunk with only about half its fur still attached running around in circles. No way to get past."

"I threw a rock at it to try and scare it into running off the trail and the bloody thing ran straight at me. Nearly had a heart attack as it ran past and kept going down the trail."

"Area known for rabies and bubonic plague."


Even the smallest critter can be a dangerous!

"Riding a bicycle..."

"Yellowstone. Riding a bicycle (fast) down a great curve. Cars are stopped. To look at a grizzly. Damn. Could have hit the cars. Could have hit the bear!"


So many different ways to get yourself killed, so little time!

So, what's up?

Still feel like hitting up a national park or commiserating with nature?

Rein that in, man. I'm staying indoors.

Have some stories of your own to share? Feel free to tell us more in the comments below!

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