People Share The Best Cheap Hobbies To Get Into

Ever considered knitting or maybe finally getting started on that new language?

The next time you find yourself bored and with nothing to do, consider that it might be time to try out a new hobby. But the possibilities are endless!

Don't believe us?

You can thank Redditor OwnFall who asked the online community:

"What's a fun, cheap and easy hobby to pick up that many people aren't aware of?"

"It makes you feel so productive..."

Knitting. Couple bucks for needles and yarn, lots of tutorials online, you can learn in ten minutes and spend a lifetime improving. It makes you feel so productive, you just sit down for an hour to watch tv and then you have a dishcloth or a hat.


My friends who've gotten into knitting love it! And they've even made me a few nice things!

"You've gotta be willing..."

Chess! There are a ton of great resources and communities online and its free and really helps your brain.

You've gotta be willing to lose a couple games to keep moving forward but it's incredibly gratifying.

I recommend and all the YouTube channels on it.


I played plenty of chess as a child. Looks like it's time to get back into the habit again.

"All you need..."

Rock sculpting. All you need are some rocks, a few polishing cloths, and a rock hammer. Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop.


Seven dollars?! Now that's cheap – I'll be right back once I learn how to be an artist.

"I went to Yosemite..."

Hiking/backpacking! I went to Yosemite a couple months ago, literally the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's not even the first time I've gone. I could go a million times and not get tired of the place.


Being out in nature surely can't be beat! Just be sure to pick up all your trash. Don't be one of those people.

"Juggling is really easy..."

Juggling is really easy, cheap, and there is such a high skill cap that once you learn the basics you'll have a hobby for life. I learned by juggling three socks filed with stones and have been going for a few years now. Tons of YouTube tutorials, local groups, and different props to try too.

If you don't think you have enough hand eye coordination or something, just give it a try for like an hour. You'll get it!


You see, when I say I lack hand-eye coordination... I'm truly not kidding.

"Much easier than you would think..."

Lock picking. $20-$30 up front for some basic tools, infinite YouTube tutorials, and a couple locks is all it takes. Much easier that you would think it will be up front but still a lot of room to become quick and efficient.

P.S. Check local laws to make sure you a legal to own the tools first and only pick locks you own!


Yes, you really don't want to end up arrested for something like this so proceed with caution!

"Not sure about..."

Language learning. Not sure about every language but as a native English speaker learning Spanish there are lots of free resources. It's time consuming but very fulfilling and doesn't ever have to cost a dime.


This is absolutely true! One of the best things you can do for yourself is learn another language. The world just opens up!

"Starter supplies..."

Starter supplies for cross stitching cost about $10 and takes less than half an hour to understand the basics.


Less than half an hour, huh?

Oh, you have such faith in me.

"...all you need is a bar of soap..."


Soap carving allows you to create delicate art easily, all you need is a bar of soap and a soap carving knife (you can get one for cheap).


Okay, this is cute. I bet the possibilities for carvings are endless.

"Box gyms..."

Basic weightlifting. Box gyms often offer cheap memberships, and all you really need besides that is some determination and consistency. It can get expensive later on down the road, but the initial improvements are basic, easy and fun.


Fabulous! Another way to work out!

Hobbies are a great way to fuel your creative side, and it's a serious bonus if they don't break the bank. We may just start with this list and finish up some of our quarantine knitting.

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