People Explain How They Instantly Lost Interest In A Crush

People Explain How They Instantly Lost Interest In A Crush

People aren't always compatible, and sometimes, that truth is taken to an extreme level.

Sometimes people are so comically incompatible that they are well aware of how bad an idea their date is or their crush is to pursue within a second of a specific action. Is the action horrible? Not necessarily. The action may just be in conflict with one of the party's personalities.

Or it could be terrible and extremely annoying. You know, either one.

u/come1v1 asked:

What made you lose interest in your crush ?

Here were some of those answers.

Sigh. Men

I found out he was sleeping with at least 4 other women, and all of them thought he was only serious about them and the others were just crazy stalkers. I had no idea he was capable of it, and I lost a lot of respect for him afterward.


Well, there's some impressive time management and communication contingencies skills here.


When You Stop Being Insecure And Creepy

Realizing that 4 years of one sided feelings and rejection was not healthy and i had been missing out on plenty of wonderful girls who liked me.

I was obsessed with this one girl, who in hindsight, had nothing i was particularly interested in. I think it was more of the idea that i liked her that i confused with actual feelings. I was young, inexperienced, and foolish.

I do think that my stupidity taught me something though. It helped shape me into who i am. Im still not great, but its a work in progress. Looking back at it, i was a pretty creepy dude. I wish i could apologize for my behavior.



She told me she "generally really liked me" but couldn't do it because of personal issues I had no idea about. Maybe she wasn't interested in me and just said that or maybe it was just poor timing from me to tell her how I felt.

We stayed friends, I didn't really find it awkward either, because I was just happy to have got it off my chest. We kinda went on like nothing happened, didn't help that I sat next to her in one of my classes for 2 years. Over time I just lost interest, moved on from the rejection.


It's a good thing these people realized that they were incompatible with their crush early.

You Need To Get Out More

I've shared this before, but it remains... well, you'll see.

The following exchange is offered verbatim (or as near to it as I can remember):

HER: That suit would look great on you.
ME: (Checking the price) Too bad I don't have nine hundred dollars.
HER: Just use your credit card.
ME: I still wouldn't have nine hundred dollars.
HER: What are you talking about?
ME: I try to pay off my balance in full when I use my credit card. That's more than I can afford right now.
HER: (Irritated) That makes zero sense. Nobody pays for credit cards! They give them to you!
ME: Not the card; the balance. The bill.
HER: What "bill?"
ME: ... The credit card bill? The one you have to pay every month?
HER: No, you don't.
ME: Okay, well, I guess you can make minimum payments, but...
HER: (Interrupting) What are you talking about?! You are making zero sense. If you don't like the suit, just say so!
ME: I do like the suit, I just can't afford it. Using my credit card wouldn't magically make it so I wouldn't have to pay.
HER: You don't pay for credit cards. God, what is wrong with you?
ME: Wait. Do you mean that you've never paid your credit card bill?
HER: There's no such thing! Credit cards are so you don't have to pay.

It eventually came to light that the young woman had been given her credit card by her parents, who paid the balance for her whenever they received a bill.


Oh But He Actually Upped His Game

Cute guy at work asked if he could add me on Facebook and I said sure. Turns out he types like a moron.

Complete text speak that was so shortened it was almost unreadable, with incorrect grammar, no punctuation at all, and when he did use real words he spelt them wrong (e.g. "Carnt" instead of can't). I told him to knock it off because it's hard to read. He did, we're getting married in less than a year.


Nice Try Sweaty, You're Too Awesome For Me:)

She was the most popular girl in our grade, she was good at everything, and she was extremely pretty.

After realizing that I was just an awkward, insecure adolescent at the time, I realized that I was totally out of her league, and gave up.


Rock Bottom

This has been many years ago, but she had started uncontrollably drinking more and more. It was sad. What mad me lose interest is one night we were at a restaurant, they had outside seating and the seats were this metal mesh seats.

She was wearing a sundress and decided she in to the restroom and began to pee through the seat onto the ground. That was the point I was like yeah I'm out.

About a year later, she decided her drinking had became an issue (it was an issue way before then) and checked herself in for treatment. She reached out to me about a year later to apologize for how she had been, but I had moved on at that point and I wished her well.


Otherwise, these moments could have lead to rude awakenings in relationships way further down the line.

The Idea Vs The Person

Time for the most part. Other than that, it was more of assessing circumstances. A lot of the times, crushes are mostly falling in love with the idea of a person rather than the person themselves.

What are they like behind the rose colored glasses? Would it work out between us? How long would it last? How hard would it be if you broke up? What would the fights be like? In the end, Id rather keep them as a friend than lose a friend through a relationship.


This Seems Rude

She turned me down and proceeded to make it look like I was stalking her making a bad name for me. I didn't appreciate that but didn't have a way to do anything about it so I let it go.

A friend of mine asked her out (he didn't know I previously did or he wouldn't have ever did it). She proceeded to turn him down the exact same way and made the same rumours that he was stalking her.

Me and my friend talked and both came to the conclusion she was the mental one.


Narcissism Ahoy

We were beyond crush at that point, but it wasnt until then that the true colours came to light.

If she did something and I complained, i was in the wrong, if i did the same thing she did, i was in the wrong, if i just wanted to relax after the hour half long trip to her house i'd get yelled at for lazing around on the couch for an hour.

Apparently i was the one that got pissy when things didn't go my way, yet she'd refuse to speak to me in person unless i met her demands, it was really great until it turned very toxic, we ended on bad terms.

About 4 months later she messages me, i thought maybe shes want to just be friends again, but nope. First 5 minutes of talking in 4 months and shes back at blaming me for how it was my fault that everything went south.

This whole thing has honestly destroyed any feeling of wanting to be in a relationship again, i've never had any good luck with relationships.


People are not infallible, as we all know. Since we are people ourselves, we are also not infallible.

But, we are also not compatible with everybody. Crushes may take on different forms than our simple rose colored glasses tend to make them. Incompatibility is common, because humans are like jagged puzzle pieces. They may only fit together in certain ways.

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