People Explain Which Things They've Grown To Accept As They've Gotten Older

People Explain Which Things They've Grown To Accept As They've Gotten Older
Photo by Hamish Duncan on Unsplash

Does it ever feel like life is getting harder and our bodies are aching in places that never hurt before?

Let's face it. Getting old sucks.

But when you realize that life is short, you start to focus on getting the most out of the time you have left.

Because you never know if tomorrow will come.

That's when we learn to accept things as they are instead of wasting time and energy trying to fight them.

Curious about what people learned with age, Redditor _Odalie asked strangers on the internet:

"What have you grown to accept as you've gotten older?"
The responses included ignoring the people who are backstabbing you, and accepting the fact that it's okay if you don't reach unrealistic goals.
One response even discouraged people to avoid purchasing a lousy product.

Do any of the following resonate with your life experience?

Put The Work In Now

"To have a happy adulthood you have to face the demons of your childhood."


"Yup you you gotta learn to create the best version of yourself .. which takes a lifetime but is the best project."


Not Knowing

"Ignorance is bliss."


Especially In 2020

"Life is just one tough a** day after the next."


This Hurts

"Life is pain. I used to let little aches and pains limit what I do. Then I realized that I'll always be in pain and I can't waste my life waiting around to heal. I have a sh**ty ankle and knee and a torn periformus that gives sciatic pain. I've got arthritis in my dominant hand and tendonitis in my wrist and elbow. It doesn't stop me from jogging and mt biking. I'm not good at either but it is fulfilling."



"People are going to talk sh*t about you no matter what you do so might as well do what you want."


shake it off taylor swift GIFGiphy

It's Okay If You're Not Right For The Part

"Sometimes a career you romanticized for years is actually not right for you. That's okay. Better to know now rather than later. Thought I wanted to be a lawyer but realized that I cannot afford schooling and that I really don't have the work ethic for it. I'll apply my skills elsewhere."


Material Things

"I got kicked out of my house when I was 23. I could only bring a few things with me. I learned to let go of objects and that memories were all in my head, not only on pictures."


They Suck

"Stay away from bissell."

"Apparently per their customer service the brush roller is a wear item and breaks every 2-3 months, forcing you to replace it."

"I have a hoover I have had for 20 years and maybe changed the belt in it twice? Get out of here with that wear item bullsh*t."


Getting Approval

"Not everyone's going to like what you say or do and not everyone's going to appreciate you. And that's okay."


"If you're going to wager all of your happiness on how others perceive you, then you're going to have a bad time."


Follow Your Own Timeline

"Success is achieved at one's own pace and by one's own definition."


silver sports coupe on asphalt road
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

As we get older, cars become less of something that gets us from point A to point B and more of a necessity.

Not only do we need to use cars to get from one place to another, but they also double as storage spaces, private places, and, in the worst of cases, shelter.

Because of their importance in our lives, it's good to have a few things tin your car to keep you prepared. When I got my first car, my mom stocked it with the usual supplies: jumper cables, ice scraper, spare tire, and a roll of quarters. She also added a blanket, a powerful flashlight, and a knife.

While I've never needed to the knife, I was glad to know it was there, and the other items have all come in handy.

I also like to put a change of clothes in my car. You never know when someone will cut you off in the road, making you spill coffee all over your white blouse.

Redditors know there are other important things to always keep in your car, and are ready to share.

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"Think about your worry and think about if there is evidence to support that worry. If not, you shouldn't worry."

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