Men Break Down Which Things They'll Never Quite Understand About Women

Men Break Down Which Things They'll Never Quite Understand About Women
Photo by Sarah G. on Unsplash

Figuring out the mind of a woman is a fascinating topic.

How do women tick?

They are smarter than men, for sure.

But is it innate... or do they learn their special ways?

Redditor hennessyandjack wanted to know how to crack the mystery that is... woman, so they asked:

"Men of Reddit, what is something you’ll never understand about women?"

I know very little about women, so I am ready to learn.

Save the limbs

Happy Socks Coffee GIF by knoopsokGiphy

"How are their feet always so cold?"


"PLEEEEAASSEE help us find a solution to this!!!! I’m sooo over having icicles for toes!!!"


Next Monday

"When I was in High school, for a week just about every single girl at that school wore a head scarf. They were everywhere. Not a single bare head to be seen. The following Monday they were gone like it never happened. I still can not wrap my head around it, 20 years later."



"Shower temperature. Wtf is up with this Mordor water, why must you feel pain to feel cleansed?"


"That’s because we’re cold all the time. It’s not painful, it’s relaxing."


"Hot water relieves all of our problems and stress. Idk lol but it’s so niiiice to shower with hot water! warm water just doesn’t do it anymore. it almost feels like really good sleep but you’re standing and fully awake cx."


First Sips

"Why my wife always leaves a small amount of tea or coffee in her mug. Just drink the whole thing!"


"Ohhh, I actually do this, so I will tell you why I do it, doesn't mean she has the same reasons for it. Nothing hits you better than that first sip of coffee or tea when it is at the right temperature."

"I don't drink it fast, so sometimes it gets cold or it's not the right temperature anymore before getting to finish the whole mug. I am trying to put less in the mug, but I don't know, it feels different, and I can't explain it. I like the feeling of the whole mug warming my fingers, especially during winter."



Magic GIF by The Paley Center for MediaGiphy

"How they can magically make things appear in front of them that I’ve spent 15 minutes looking for."


Finding things are a gift.


Stretch Size Up GIF by 60 Second DocsGiphy

"Bra sizes."


"The number is how many inches around the ribs are and the letter is how many inches the breast protrudes from the chest. So a 34DD (or E) would be 34 inch ribs and 5 inches of breast protrusion."



"I have a wife and two daughters who will bring up issues and problems they encounter. I still have not quite learned that they do not want a discussion about how to solve these problems."


"I've heard a podcaster (psychologist) say that 'sometimes listening IS the solution,' because what the person may looking for is really just a bond with another person to calm their negative feelings."


Talk to Me

"How you can talk to your mom on the phone for multiple hours every week. My dad calls me when he needs me to order something on Amazon for him and that's about it."


"It’s something that completely depends on what kind of bond you and your parents made while growing up.
For example, while super loving, my parents never seemed to really care about the mundane things of my life so here I am 33 and I almost never talk to them on the phone because we never grew that kind of interaction together."


"Hand bags like why are they so expensive."


"Men's clothing have pants that HAVE POCKETS Unlike the sh*tty women pants that I used to wear you can only fit a tic-tac in there And so bc we don't have pockets we're expected to carry around bags. But I will not. (Joking)."


"Handbags are our cars. If you have a character who wants to show off, men usually take cars, women use handbags. But not all women care about handbags that much. For me, it’s about quality. Expensive brands are a waste of money. Most of them don’t even have good quality."



lego elves success GIF by LEGOGiphy

"How they always smell SO GOOD ALL OF THE TIME. Like, how!?!?"s


Well, we've learned quite a lot here! Do you have any burning questions for the fairer sex? Let us know in the comments below.

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