People Explain Which Facts They Actually Regret Ever Learning

People Explain Which Facts They Actually Regret Ever Learning
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Not all fun facts are fun. Some are disgusting, cringe-worthy, or totally disillusioning.

And there is one essential quality shared by all noteworthy tidbits of information: they can't be unlearned. That little fact hits your ears and colors your brain with the strange, curious epiphany that often follows--this is the "fun" part.

But what if it's a piece of information you wish you'd never learned?

Maybe it re-frames a cherished idea or casts total uncertainty over a closely held truth about the world. Or perhaps its just a disgusting natural phenomena happening all around that you have to be aware of forever now.

A recent Reddit thread asked for the very best of the worst of fun facts. They'll leave you with a whole list of regrets.

Ddeddffddvvf asked, "What was a fact that you regret knowing?"

A Dedicated Performance 

"There was a woman in the 18th century called Mary Toft who stuffed dead rabbits into her vagina and later acted as if she gave birth to them. The doctors believed her till one of them examined found corn in one of the rabbits stomachs (it couldn't have been in there)."

"She also did the same with a hogs bladder and a cats legs. (also with about 15 rabbits) Don't know why I even know this."

-- jennymadisonjn

Tough News 

"My dad and I both took DNA tests for "fun" and I found out we aren't related. 0% match." -- SethsWomanInfinity

"Lifehacks for when you don't want to tell your child directly they're adopted." -- Thendrail

"Look up chimera DNA, it's a small chance but possible. The DNA in your dad's sperm could be different than the rest of his body. I'm assuming they didn't check his sperm." -- For_one_if_more

A Striking Image

"My parents are swingers, and now well Into their 70's..." -- browncoat47

"So you know that old folks homes have the highest percentage of STDs, as they won't have to worry about getting pregnant..." -- the_syco

"That's kinda wholesome actually. Just a couple of old swingers out enjoying the last of their lives" -- AffectionateDealer3

You Just Don't Know What Your Getting 

"From my first job at KFC cant really tell the chicken is spoiled once you put it in the fryer" -- Chuck_yoo_Farley

"A friend that used to work at KFC said that they were told not to throw away the spoiled chicken. They would just boil it before frying :l so yeah.. No more KFC for me." -- lepakko42

Beginning First--And Last--Incision 

"Chainsaws were originally meant to be a surgeons' instrument." -- Ujrt_94

"To aid in childbirth! No joke google it." -- septic_tongue

"I couldn't figure out what part of childbirth that could possibly help with, so I looked it up.

"'Before the invention of the Cesarean, if the baby was too large, parts of the pelvis would be removed.'"

"I really regret knowing that now." -- waltjrimmer

A Very Upsetting Backstory 

"Bob Ross actually hated his Afro; when he started out it was the cheapest hairstyle to maintain and once he picked up some traction it was too iconic to get rid of." -- fueselwe

"This is the saddest thing I've read. I'm not going to share it with anyone. Now this is the burden I carry." -- always-aimee

"So it was a sad little accident instead of a happy one 😢" -- HeWantsTheP

Rolling the Dice 

"An octopus penis is actually one of their tentacles. So if you would go and pet an octopus at Sea World or some other place you could be groping their penis." -- Tilly0Tilly

"There are also some species that will just rip their penis off and throw it at the female, in order to allow her to inseminate herself, being the most literal 'go f*** yourself' nature has to offer." -- mtflyer05

Just Very Good At Being Alive 

"Cockroaches can fly at 5km per hour and can live 3 weeks without their head. They eventually die of starvation. They have a main brain in their head and also a primitive brain near their abdomen. Cockroaches also pre-date grass."

"The last one is not that scary but kinda scary knowing they've been here so long so getting them out will be harder and they will probably out live humans."

-- CrazyMiith

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