People Describe The Worst Times They've Felt Buyers' Remorse

People Describe The Worst Times They've Felt Buyers' Remorse
Oscar Wong/GettyImages

As consumers, we know better than to spend our hard-earned cash on things we don't really need. But we do it anyway.

That doesn't mean we should refrain from indulging every now and then in spending money on the things we really want.

But sometimes, the things we thought we really desired in our heart of hearts turn out to be impulsive purchases on things–like new clothes we never end up wearing despite looking great on us when we tried them on in the dressing room.

That is an example of buyer's remorse. And we have paid the price, so to speak, for spending frivolously on inconsequential things.

Curious to hear from previous customers of having a moment of regret, Redditor pepperpeppington asked:

"What is your greatest buyers remorse?"

The concept seemed legit, but these customers realized they had a lot to learn after committing to new prospects.

"I Don't"

"My wedding."

– PickanickBasket

The Wrong Perspective

"Got talked into buying progressive lens glasses. I spend most of my day either reading, writing, or staring at a computer screen. With the new glasses I could only read things if it was in one particular spot in front of me or if I tilted my head to an odd angle. Hundreds of dollars down the drain. Ended up going back to buy reading glasses and they worked better than the progressives ever did."

– tangcameo

Learning About Credit The Hard Way

"Back in the late 90’s when I was just graduating high school, I went to the mall one day (Lazarus to be exact, I know, I’m old) and some salesperson walked up wanting to know if I wanted a credit card. $500 max to be exact. Being the naive dumbass I was, I signed and got my card that day and bought $500 worth of clothing."

"It didn’t occur to me then about high interest rates and missing payments. It ended up costing me around $1500-$2000 to pay this sh*t off because I missed some payments. Teach your kids how to manage money and to be on the lookout for vultures. You’ll be doing them a favor."

– 1980pzx

That Sinking Feeling

"A Leesa mattress. I was super happy with it when we first got it because it was SO comfortable, but after a year it started sinking, and after three years I feel like I wake up in a trough every morning. I definitely need to get a new mattress because my back feels so much better any time we sleep on hotel beds."

"It's pissing me off that it only lasted three years but I've rotated that f'ker so many times that there's a trough in every direction. And it's still so comfortable when I first lie down, too."

– Tagracat

Money Pit

"Our current house we bought August 2021."

"we’ve been here almost a year and had I know the extensive amount of headaches and stress I was going to go through with this house, I never would have moved."

"To clarify we knew it needed work and we had a very detailed house inspection, but it’s been one thing after another, even a full year in. I’m so pessimistic with this place that I’m waiting for the next catastrophic thing to happen that sends me over the edge, like an electrical fire or something."

– sdemat

Electrical appliances and cars are essential, but these Redditors wanted the best of the best and thought the high price tag instantly made things better.

Spoiler alert–it didn't.

Fancy Fridge

"Latest remorseful purchase was my ~$2k GE refrigerator. It lasted 2.5 years and was too expensive to repair. It would have been 1,200 to fix it and even then the repair guy couldn't guarantee that it would work properly."

"I found a 'scratch and dent' Whirlpool for the same cost, brand new. So far, so good."

"ETA: before this, I've never had issues with GE appliances. This is either a fluke, or the brand is deteriorating."

– ohgeebus_notagain

Auto Disaster

"An Audi Q5 hybrid. We had a decent warranty so we thought we were okay. $6000 in repairs in one year of owning it. We traded it in and got upside down on a new car, but it was worth it to get out of that dumpster fire of a car."

– Hdhmusic

Going Nowhere Fast

"Dumping 10 grand into a car worth 7k just because I wanted to make it faster. I still have the car and I love it, but that was not a smart financial decision, and I wouldn't do it again."

– Cuss-Mustard

People didn't put any thought into these purchases and instantly regretted it.

It Didn't Compute

"My last laptop. I didn't really research properly, cheaped out and have spent the last three years regretting it."

– NarrativeScorpion

Hard To Swallow

"I went to a burger place near Brisbane in Australia with my brother. They advertised that they had the 'hottest burgers' in the world and if you could finish, they put your name on the wall. I started to realise my mistake when the burger came out with latex gloves and a huge glass of milk. By the 2nd bite, i felt my soul start to detach from my body and my brain was recoiling in horror as pure lava was going down my throat. Halfway through, while trying to stop the tears flowing down my face, I said no more. For days after the burger my intestines couldn't handle anything stronger then yoghurt and the pain started again everytime I went to the toilet."

– shadownight311

Taking A Stab At It

"A 400$ dagger back in 2002.. still have it, never knew what to do with it."

– Quebec00Chaos

Went With The Flow

"A kayak that never gets used. Spent over 1 year's allowance (200$) on that thing."

– Mad4dog

Just A Stick

"buying a harry potter style wand at age 9 thinking it would actually work. it was hella expensive too."

– beheadedcharmander

Such A Waste

"Squatty Potty. What the f'k was I thinking? I could've just used a box, or literally stacked some books on top of each other, but to be fair I was pretty desperate."

– RazzmatazzLiving6970

Unsightly Furniture

"Buying a navy blue outdoor chair that shows every bit of dirt! Ugh! Worse decision I ever made."

– Mysterious_Tax_5613

The Big Bling

"Diamond tennis bracelet that I never wear because it's too big for my wrist."

– queen-of-carthage

So I saw the coolest leather jacket at a thrift store. Because I was so enamored of it–and the size was a perfect fit–I bought it there on the spot, no refunds.

I was thrilled about the prospect of looking like a greaser (because that's so my style...not), I realized I wouldn't be wearing it for a while considering L.A.'s blistering summer temperatures. Sadly, by the time temperatures cool down, I'll have forgotten all about it.

It will remain in my closet along with my other outfits I haven't worn in ages.

Careful spending money on too many clothes. You'll wind up donating them to a thrift store where another sucker like me will make an impulsive purchase.

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One of the hardest things in the world is being able to afford life's necessities. We all work and make money (or have parents that do), but having money and being able to afford what you need are two different things.

I'm not just talking about the latest gadgets, either.

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