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Therapists Share Their Wildest 'I'm Not Supposed To Judge You But Holy Sh*t' Experiences

People who have a difficult time processing their feelings and emotions for various reasons consult a therapist who helps them work through whatever mental block they have.

A therapist's office is widely accepted as a safe space and the information shared is strictly understood as confidential.

That doesn't mean specialists aren't secretly judging their patients. After all, therapists are human too.

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Therapists Reveal The Most Manipulative Patients They Have Ever Had

What happend to doctor/patient confidentiality?

Therapy is sacred, and it's something we can all benefit from. So it's aggravating when people take advantage of the mental heath process. Those who can maneuver the system ruin it all. Some therapists must have some great stories about the people who have taken advantage.

Redditor.... Unknown wanted to hear from the mental health community by asking.... Therapists of reddit, what are have been the most manipulative things done by incredibly difficult patients?

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Therapists And Patients Reveal Why They Couldn't Help Or Be Helped

Joining a therapy group or seeing someone one-on-one is an open admission you need help. That's perfectly fine, as seeking assistance in life's problems is an extremely positive act you can do for yourself. On the other side of that relationship, you have a therapist who, hopefully, wants to help you. For whatever reason, it doesn't always work out. You can't crack through, or you can't figure it out, and you can only hope to find help through other means.

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