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People Share Their Craziest 'Michael Scott'-Esque Boss Experiences
Photo by Pablo Varela on Unsplash

We love the shows and movies that entertain us with bosses from Hell.

Working Girl. Horrible Bosses. The Devil Wears Prada. Abbott Elementary.

But the gold standard of bad bosses is Michael Scott in The Office.

That is classic. That is comedy.


People laugh at these characters to release the pain.

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Bosses Reveal The Worst Thing They've Ever Seen On A Resume

A resume or a CV are extremely important for the hiring process. It brings to light where you've been and where you hope to keep going. You get a sense of the person's skill set and what they would bring to the company.

But then resumes can go horribly, horribly wrong. Some things should never be told, let alone bragged about.

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We all know bosses can be crazy but Lord knows so can employees. When you hire someone you are taking a huge leap of faith that they aren't totally looney tunes. You can vet people sure, but crazy will always finds a way to slip under the radar. What some employees think is appropriate work behavior can be astonishing.

Redditor u/weirdplayer12 wanted to hear from all the bosses out there by asking.... Bosses of reddit, what was the craziest thing an employee did during work?

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